शुक्रवार, 4 मार्च 2011

Alzheimers's is more of a genetic inheritance from mother than father .

Alzheimers's a neuro -degenerative disease is handed over to the offsprings in morelikely hood from the mother than their father.According to a new study people whose mother had Alzheimer's had twice as much brain shrinkage (size of the brain is progressively reduced in the disease )compared to those who had a father or no parent with the disease .
This may open new vistas for possible cure of this disease which remains incurable as of today .
Even though it is a familial disease ,people who have relatives with Alzheimers disease are 4-10 times more likely to develop the disease compared with people with no family history but the mother is a potent transmitter of the disease .
The study was concluded by university of Kansas.

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