More than 1 in every 5 children have diminished vision ,less than 5%have vision problems bordering blindness .
96 % of those with diminished vision have refractive errors like near or far sightedness
52 % are not even aware that they have decreased vision .
64 %of children with vision problems do not use glasses (corrective lenses )because of parental ignorance .
Children with untreated eye problems are losing precious productive and schooling years.
Out of 834 teenagers in the study group ,28 % had diminished vision .
23%were unaware they had vision issues .
24% of those with impaired vision were not using glasses(corrective lenses) at all .
57%were either undiagnosed ,untreated or under treated .
A child's eye should be checked at 6 months ,3 years ,and between 8 &9 years and 14 &16 years .
Encourage a vitamin -A rich diet comprising green leafy vegetables ,carrots ,drumstik(स्वान्जना की फली जिसमें बीज होतें हैं साम्भर में बहुत इस्तेमाल की जाती है ),beetroot (चुकंदर ),mango ,papaya ,etc.
Make sure children do not spend too much time on TV/videogames /mobile phones and their TV-watching posture is proper (TV Screen and eyes at the same level at proper distance depending upon the size of screen ).
Regular eye screening programmes should be introduced in schools .
Why children shy away from wearing glasses
64% Parental apathy and ignorance .
17 %Parents not informed .
6%Teased by friends
5% Cosmetic blemish (लुक्स खराब होंगे ,लोग क्या कहेंगे ,मैं सुदर्शन नहीं रहूँगा ,सौन्दर्य पे आंच आ जायेगी ).
३%Glasses perceived to hamper outdoor activities ,broken glasses and financial constraints .(नजर के चश्मों को खेल कूद एवं अन्य बाहरी गतिविधियों में अड़चन मान लेने की गफलत ,आर्थिक तंगी या सीमाएं आदि ).
Sample size 3581 schoolchildren aged 3- 17 years
Age Screened Decreased vision %
3-4 160 59 37
5-8 1,286 242 19
9-12 1,3 02 246 19
13-17 834 230 28
TOTAL 3,581 777 22
Reference :Kids averse to wearing glasses ,parental apathy makes it worse /THE TIMES OF INDIA ,MUMBAI ,APRIL 16 ,2013 /TIMES CITY /P2
More than 1 in every 5 children have diminished vision ,less than 5%have vision problems bordering blindness .
96 % of those with diminished vision have refractive errors like near or far sightedness
52 % are not even aware that they have decreased vision .
64 %of children with vision problems do not use glasses (corrective lenses )because of parental ignorance .
Children with untreated eye problems are losing precious productive and schooling years.
Out of 834 teenagers in the study group ,28 % had diminished vision .
23%were unaware they had vision issues .
24% of those with impaired vision were not using glasses(corrective lenses) at all .
57%were either undiagnosed ,untreated or under treated .
A child's eye should be checked at 6 months ,3 years ,and between 8 &9 years and 14 &16 years .
Encourage a vitamin -A rich diet comprising green leafy vegetables ,carrots ,drumstik(स्वान्जना की फली जिसमें बीज होतें हैं साम्भर में बहुत इस्तेमाल की जाती है ),beetroot (चुकंदर ),mango ,papaya ,etc.
Make sure children do not spend too much time on TV/videogames /mobile phones and their TV-watching posture is proper (TV Screen and eyes at the same level at proper distance depending upon the size of screen ).
Regular eye screening programmes should be introduced in schools .
Why children shy away from wearing glasses
64% Parental apathy and ignorance .
17 %Parents not informed .
6%Teased by friends
5% Cosmetic blemish (लुक्स खराब होंगे ,लोग क्या कहेंगे ,मैं सुदर्शन नहीं रहूँगा ,सौन्दर्य पे आंच आ जायेगी ).
३%Glasses perceived to hamper outdoor activities ,broken glasses and financial constraints .(नजर के चश्मों को खेल कूद एवं अन्य बाहरी गतिविधियों में अड़चन मान लेने की गफलत ,आर्थिक तंगी या सीमाएं आदि ).
Sample size 3581 schoolchildren aged 3- 17 years
Age Screened Decreased vision %
3-4 160 59 37
5-8 1,286 242 19
9-12 1,3 02 246 19
13-17 834 230 28
TOTAL 3,581 777 22
Reference :Kids averse to wearing glasses ,parental apathy makes it worse /THE TIMES OF INDIA ,MUMBAI ,APRIL 16 ,2013 /TIMES CITY /P2
6 टिप्पणियां:
बहुत उपयोगी जानकारी ...!!
आभार .
आपके सुझाये अनुसार दिनचर्या हो तो शायद आंख के डाक्टर के पास जाने की जरूरत ही नही पडेगी, अति उपयोगी आलेख, शुभकामनाएं.
ताऊ जी सही कह रहे हैं...
बहुत उपयोगी जानकारी!
sir ji behatareen jankari ,behatareen sujhaw ,upyogi prastuti
डिस्टर्बिंग आंकड़े हैं ...
दिनचर्या में सुधार लाना बहुत जरूरी है बच्चों की ... ओर अपनी भी ...
आपकी दी जानकरियां एक माँ के रूप में सजग और समझदार अभिभावक बनाती हैं मुझे :) धन्यवाद
एक टिप्पणी भेजें