रविवार, 23 अक्तूबर 2016

"जब गुन को गाहक मिले, तब गुन लाख बिकाय । जब गुन को गाहक नहीं, तब कौडी बदले जाय ॥"

गुण  गाहक  को  बेचिये औगुण गुण बन जाए का, गुण का ग्राहक जो मिले तो गुण लाख बिकाए।

"जब गुन को गाहक मिले, तब गुन लाख बिकाय ।
जब गुन को गाहक नहीं, तब कौडी बदले जाय ॥"

“Jab gun ko gaahak mile, Tab gun laakh bikaay |
Jab gun ko gaahak nahi, Tab kaudi badle jaay ||”
Meaning in English:
Quality, goodness, excellence – all the virtues
are judged to be invaluable and priceless
and are treated accordingly,
only when there is a connoisseur,
the one who knows and values them.
But, when there is no cognoscente,
no one to recognize and value them,
the same virtues are judged to be worthless,
just a few cowries’ worth,
and are treated accordingly.
Gun Ka Gahak Nanakaa Virla Ko-ee Hoay - Bhai Harjot Singh Ji Zakhmi

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