गर्भावस्था की सामान्य अवधि ४० सप्ताह बतलाई गई है। लेकिन जो शिशु ३९ सप्ताह से पहले ही पैदा हो जाते हैं उन्हें समय से पहले पैदा premature babies कहा जाता है।
जो शिशु २४ सप्ताह या उससे भी पहले पैदा हो जाते हैं उन्हें प्रिमीज़ कहा जाता है।
प्रत्येक १०० के पीछे ऐसे २४ शिशु भारत में पैदा होते रहें हैं। इनमें से तीन लाख बच्चे हर साल मौत के मुंह में चले जाते हैं। अब से कोई एक दशक पहले तक २६ सप्ताह से पहले पैदा हुए बच्चों को बचा ले जाना मुमकिन नहीं था।
अब मुम्बई के ही एक अस्पताल में ऐसे पांच बच्चों को हर साल बचा लिया जाता है जो २४ सप्ताह के बीतने पर ही पैदा हो जाते हैं लेकिन अभी ऐसा एकल पैदा हुए शिशु के बारे में ही हो पाता था समय पूर्व पैदा जुड़वां या एक साथ पैदा शिशु त्रयी के मामलों में यह मिुमकिन नहीं था।
मुम्बई के ही एक अस्पताल सूर्य-नियोनेटल अस्पताल ,सांताक्रुज़ ने ये करिश्मा कर दिखाया है। गर्भावस्था के २५ वें हफ्ते में ही एक साथ पैदा शिशु त्रयी को न केवल बचा लिया गया जन्म के समय ये शिशु जिन गम्भीर रोगों से ग्रस्त थे अब उन रोगों का भी नामोनिशाँ नहीं है।बच्चे अपने घर सकुशल वापस लौट आये हैं।
कह सकते हैं ऐसे शिशुओं को जीवन दान दिलबवाने में भारत अब अग्रणी देशों की पांत में आ खड़ा हुआ है। पढ़िए पूरी कथा और हमारे चिकित्सा माहिरों द्वारा इन बच्चों को गम्भीर रोगों से बाहर निकाल ले आने का अप्रतिम करिश्मा :
अभिनव चिकित्सा प्रोद्योगिकी और हमारे माहिरों के हुनर ने गर्भावस्था
के २५ वें हफ्ते
में एक साथ पैदा गम्भीर रोग ग्रस्त शिशु त्रयी को बचाया
24-week triplets, India's most premature, make it home
from hospital
MUMBAI: Born 15 weeks before due date, the country's most prematurely born triplets have gone home after four months in a city hospital.
For parents Cheryl and Vensely D'silva, Christmas came early as the last of the triplets was released from hospital on Friday afternoon. "It was a very stressful time as we were not sure they were going to survive," said 33-year-old Cheryl, who is now planning to return to Goa with Courtney, Vernon and Chrisha. A baby is considered premature if born before the 39th week of pregnancy.
During their stay at Surya Neonatal Hospital in Santacruz, the triplets underwent nine blood transfusions between them and each had a laser treatment for their premature eyes. The boy, Vernon, had such a severe lung problem he was put on the ventilator five times. The eldest, Courtney, had necrotizing enterocolitis (dead tissues in the intestine) that is common among preemies. Now, they are healthy by all parameters.
Nurturing or resuscitating premature babies born before 26 weeks of pregnancy was unheard of till about a decade back. "But our healthcare system has come a long way since then. At our hospital, we manage to help at least five children annually who are born in the 24th week," said Dr Bhupendra Avasthi of Surya hospital. But this happy resuscitation is mainly for single babies born prematurely. For premature triplets, the possibility of surviving without any defects is an achievement, said Dr Ashok Rathod of JJ Group of Hospitals.
The D'silva triplets, each weighing over 2 kilos, passed all their tests: their brain sonography as well as eye and ear checkup are normal. "Resuscitating triplets born at 25 weeks is credible," said Dr Jayshree Mondkar, head of neonatology at Sion Hospital.
Avasthi said the D'silva experience holds a larger message for India that records the highest number of premature births in the globe: 3.6 million. "India accounts for 24% of global pre-term births and over 3 lakh of the premature babies die every year. We can now say that we are on a par with the best in the world in saving the tiniest," he added.
The D'silvas, having suffered three miscarriages previously, moved to Mumbai temporarily to seek treatment. When Cheryl was found to be pregnant, the couple was apprised of the fact that almost 90% of triplets are born prematurely. Courtney, Vernon and Chrisha were born on August 26, almost 15 weeks before schedule.
"As we had spoken to Surya Hospital doctors in advance, a neonatal ambulance with three incubators and three doctors was ready to transport them immediately after birth," said Vensely.
Between August and December, he travelled between his Santacruz home and hospital twice daily, checking on them and getting milk. On Friday, their long wait paid off.
Neonatologist Dr Nandkishor Kabra, who took care of the triplets for the last four months, said: "Children always do better than we think they will do. We should give them a chance."
Three miscarriages before triple joy
Mumbai: Nurturing or resuscitating premature babies born before 26 weeks of pregnancy was unheard of till about a
decade back.
But our healthcare system has come a long way since then.At our hospital,we manage to help at least five children
annually who are born in the 24th week, said Dr Bhupendra Avasthi of Surya Neonatal Hospital at Santacruz.
But this happy resuscitation is mainly for single babies born prematurely.For premature triplets,the possibility of
surviving without any defects is an achievement,said Dr Ashok Rathod of JJ Group of Hospitals.Cheryl and Vensely
Dsilvas triplets,15 weeks premature,have made it home in fine fettle.The triplets,each weighing over 2 kilos,passed all
their tests: their brain sonography as well as eye and ear checkup are normal.Resuscitating triplets born at 25 weeks is
credible, said Dr Jayshree Mondkar,head of neonatology at Sion Hospital.
Avasthi said the Dsilva experience holds a larger message for India that records the highest number of premature
in the globe: 3.6 million.India accounts for 24% of global pre-term births and over 3 lakh of the premature babies die
every year.We can now say that we are on a par with the best in the world in saving the tiniest, he added.
The Dsilvas,having suffered three miscarriages previously,moved to Mumbai temporarily to seek treatment.When
was found to be pregnant,the couple was apprised of the fact that almost 90% of triplets are born
prematurely.Courtney,Vernon and Chrisha were born on August 26,almost 15 weeks before schedule.As we had
spoken to Surya Hospital doctors in advance,a neonatal ambulance with three incubators and three doctors was ready
to transport them after birth, said Vensely.Between August and December,he travelled between his Santacruz home
hospital twice daily,checking on them and getting milk.On Friday,their long wait paid off.
Neonatologist Dr Nandkishor Kabra,who took care of them for the last four months,said: Children always do better than
we think they will do.We should give them a chance.
Triplets Courtney,Vernon and Chrisha were born on August 26almost 15 weeks before schedule
They had jaundice,respiratory (breathing) distress,retinopathy of prematurity (abnormal growth of blood vessels
throughout the retina that,on leaking,can scar the retina and lead to blindness) and PDA (patent ductus arteriosus is a
heart problem in which abnormal blood flow occurs between two major arteries)
At birth,the children weighed between 650 and 740 gm,but currently they weigh between 2 and 2.56 kg

The newborns with parents Cheryl and Vensely Dsilva

जो शिशु २४ सप्ताह या उससे भी पहले पैदा हो जाते हैं उन्हें प्रिमीज़ कहा जाता है।
प्रत्येक १०० के पीछे ऐसे २४ शिशु भारत में पैदा होते रहें हैं। इनमें से तीन लाख बच्चे हर साल मौत के मुंह में चले जाते हैं। अब से कोई एक दशक पहले तक २६ सप्ताह से पहले पैदा हुए बच्चों को बचा ले जाना मुमकिन नहीं था।
अब मुम्बई के ही एक अस्पताल में ऐसे पांच बच्चों को हर साल बचा लिया जाता है जो २४ सप्ताह के बीतने पर ही पैदा हो जाते हैं लेकिन अभी ऐसा एकल पैदा हुए शिशु के बारे में ही हो पाता था समय पूर्व पैदा जुड़वां या एक साथ पैदा शिशु त्रयी के मामलों में यह मिुमकिन नहीं था।
मुम्बई के ही एक अस्पताल सूर्य-नियोनेटल अस्पताल ,सांताक्रुज़ ने ये करिश्मा कर दिखाया है। गर्भावस्था के २५ वें हफ्ते में ही एक साथ पैदा शिशु त्रयी को न केवल बचा लिया गया जन्म के समय ये शिशु जिन गम्भीर रोगों से ग्रस्त थे अब उन रोगों का भी नामोनिशाँ नहीं है।बच्चे अपने घर सकुशल वापस लौट आये हैं।
कह सकते हैं ऐसे शिशुओं को जीवन दान दिलबवाने में भारत अब अग्रणी देशों की पांत में आ खड़ा हुआ है। पढ़िए पूरी कथा और हमारे चिकित्सा माहिरों द्वारा इन बच्चों को गम्भीर रोगों से बाहर निकाल ले आने का अप्रतिम करिश्मा :
अभिनव चिकित्सा प्रोद्योगिकी और हमारे माहिरों के हुनर ने गर्भावस्था
के २५ वें हफ्ते
में एक साथ पैदा गम्भीर रोग ग्रस्त शिशु त्रयी को बचाया
24-week triplets, India's most premature, make it home
from hospital
MUMBAI: Born 15 weeks before due date, the country's most prematurely born triplets have gone home after four months in a city hospital.
For parents Cheryl and Vensely D'silva, Christmas came early as the last of the triplets was released from hospital on Friday afternoon. "It was a very stressful time as we were not sure they were going to survive," said 33-year-old Cheryl, who is now planning to return to Goa with Courtney, Vernon and Chrisha. A baby is considered premature if born before the 39th week of pregnancy.
During their stay at Surya Neonatal Hospital in Santacruz, the triplets underwent nine blood transfusions between them and each had a laser treatment for their premature eyes. The boy, Vernon, had such a severe lung problem he was put on the ventilator five times. The eldest, Courtney, had necrotizing enterocolitis (dead tissues in the intestine) that is common among preemies. Now, they are healthy by all parameters.
Nurturing or resuscitating premature babies born before 26 weeks of pregnancy was unheard of till about a decade back. "But our healthcare system has come a long way since then. At our hospital, we manage to help at least five children annually who are born in the 24th week," said Dr Bhupendra Avasthi of Surya hospital. But this happy resuscitation is mainly for single babies born prematurely. For premature triplets, the possibility of surviving without any defects is an achievement, said Dr Ashok Rathod of JJ Group of Hospitals.
The D'silva triplets, each weighing over 2 kilos, passed all their tests: their brain sonography as well as eye and ear checkup are normal. "Resuscitating triplets born at 25 weeks is credible," said Dr Jayshree Mondkar, head of neonatology at Sion Hospital.
Avasthi said the D'silva experience holds a larger message for India that records the highest number of premature births in the globe: 3.6 million. "India accounts for 24% of global pre-term births and over 3 lakh of the premature babies die every year. We can now say that we are on a par with the best in the world in saving the tiniest," he added.
The D'silvas, having suffered three miscarriages previously, moved to Mumbai temporarily to seek treatment. When Cheryl was found to be pregnant, the couple was apprised of the fact that almost 90% of triplets are born prematurely. Courtney, Vernon and Chrisha were born on August 26, almost 15 weeks before schedule.
"As we had spoken to Surya Hospital doctors in advance, a neonatal ambulance with three incubators and three doctors was ready to transport them immediately after birth," said Vensely.
Between August and December, he travelled between his Santacruz home and hospital twice daily, checking on them and getting milk. On Friday, their long wait paid off.
Neonatologist Dr Nandkishor Kabra, who took care of the triplets for the last four months, said: "Children always do better than we think they will do. We should give them a chance."
Three miscarriages before triple joy
Mumbai: Nurturing or resuscitating premature babies born before 26 weeks of pregnancy was unheard of till about a
decade back.
But our healthcare system has come a long way since then.At our hospital,we manage to help at least five children
annually who are born in the 24th week, said Dr Bhupendra Avasthi of Surya Neonatal Hospital at Santacruz.
But this happy resuscitation is mainly for single babies born prematurely.For premature triplets,the possibility of
surviving without any defects is an achievement,said Dr Ashok Rathod of JJ Group of Hospitals.Cheryl and Vensely
Dsilvas triplets,15 weeks premature,have made it home in fine fettle.The triplets,each weighing over 2 kilos,passed all
their tests: their brain sonography as well as eye and ear checkup are normal.Resuscitating triplets born at 25 weeks is
credible, said Dr Jayshree Mondkar,head of neonatology at Sion Hospital.
Avasthi said the Dsilva experience holds a larger message for India that records the highest number of premature
in the globe: 3.6 million.India accounts for 24% of global pre-term births and over 3 lakh of the premature babies die
every year.We can now say that we are on a par with the best in the world in saving the tiniest, he added.
The Dsilvas,having suffered three miscarriages previously,moved to Mumbai temporarily to seek treatment.When
was found to be pregnant,the couple was apprised of the fact that almost 90% of triplets are born
prematurely.Courtney,Vernon and Chrisha were born on August 26,almost 15 weeks before schedule.As we had
spoken to Surya Hospital doctors in advance,a neonatal ambulance with three incubators and three doctors was ready
to transport them after birth, said Vensely.Between August and December,he travelled between his Santacruz home
hospital twice daily,checking on them and getting milk.On Friday,their long wait paid off.
Neonatologist Dr Nandkishor Kabra,who took care of them for the last four months,said: Children always do better than
we think they will do.We should give them a chance.
Triplets Courtney,Vernon and Chrisha were born on August 26almost 15 weeks before schedule
They had jaundice,respiratory (breathing) distress,retinopathy of prematurity (abnormal growth of blood vessels
throughout the retina that,on leaking,can scar the retina and lead to blindness) and PDA (patent ductus arteriosus is a
heart problem in which abnormal blood flow occurs between two major arteries)
At birth,the children weighed between 650 and 740 gm,but currently they weigh between 2 and 2.56 kg
The newborns with parents Cheryl and Vensely Dsilva
Courtney, Vernon & Chrisha spent 4 months in hospital
7 टिप्पणियां:
चिकित्सा क्षेत्र के बढ़ते क़दम, अच्छी जानकारी
सुंदर एवं नवीनतम जानकारी.
रोचक जानकारी..प्रार्थना है वे शिशु इसी तरह स्वस्थ रह कर बड़े हों
विकार और खोज के नित नए प्रयोग जीवन को और रोग मुक्त और सरल कर रहे हैं ... अच्छी जानकारी ... राम राम जी ...
रोगों का भी नामोनिशाँ नहीं है............यह पढ़ कर अच्छा लगा।
राम राम भाई! क्या बात वाह! बहुत ख़ूब!
अरे! मैं कैसे नहीं हूँ ख़ास?
एक टिप्पणी भेजें