भक्तियोग रसावतार जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालुजी महाराज
आरती प्रीतम प्यारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की।
दुहुन सिर कनक मुकुट छलके ,दुहुन श्रुति कुंडल भल हलके ,
दुहुन दृग प्रेम सुधा छलके ,चसीले बैन ,रसीले नैन गसीले सैन ,
दुहुन मेनन मनहारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की।
आरती प्रीतम प्यारी की ,कि नथवारी बनवारी की।
दुहुन दृग चितवन पर वारी ,दुहुन लट लटकनि छवि न्यारी ,
दुहुन भौं मटकनि अति प्यारी ,रसन मुखपान ,हसन मुस्कान ,
दसन दमकान ,दुहुनि बेसर छवि न्यारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की।
आरती प्रीतम प्यारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की।
एक उर पीताम्बर फहरे ,एक उर नीलाम्बर लहरे ,
दुहुन उर गज मोतिन छहरे ,कंकनन कनक किन्किनिन झनक
नूपुरन भनक ,दुहुन रुनझुन धुनि प्यारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की
आरती प्रीतम प्यारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की।
एक सिर मोर मुकुट राजे ,एक सिर चुनरि छवि छाजे ,
दुहुन सिर तिरछे भल भ्राजे ,संग ब्रज बाल ,लाडली लाल
बांहगल डाल कृपालु दुहुन दृग चारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की ,
आरती प्रीतम प्यारी की ,कि बनवारी नथवारी की।
भावार्थ :
Let us perform the aarti of beloved Radha and Krishna,
Their heads are adorned with gold crowns .Their ears are adorned with beautiful swaying earrings .Divine love
nectar flows from their eyes .The combined beauty of Radha and Krishna ,their voices are sweet and melodious
.Their eyes are filled with divine love ,their glances touch the heart.The combined beauty of Radha and Krishna
attracts even the heart of Kamdev .Sacrifice myself on the charming way they look at one another .
nectar flows from their eyes .The combined beauty of Radha and Krishna ,their voices are sweet and melodious
.Their eyes are filled with divine love ,their glances touch the heart.The combined beauty of Radha and Krishna
attracts even the heart of Kamdev .Sacrifice myself on the charming way they look at one another .
The beauty of their dark ,loving curly hair is beyond description .The movements of their eyebrows is enchanting
.Their lips are pink from the betal juice .Their captivating smile ,the brightness of their teeth ,the elegance of their
nose pedants are adding extraordinary charm to their unparalleled beauty .
.Their lips are pink from the betal juice .Their captivating smile ,the brightness of their teeth ,the elegance of their
nose pedants are adding extraordinary charm to their unparalleled beauty .
A yellow silky shawl is swaying gently on Krishna's shoulder .A blue silk sari is embracing the divine body of
Shree Radha .Both are wearing pearl necklaces .The jingling of their bracelets ,the jingling of their waistlets ,the
tinkling of anklets produces an intoxicating sound that forcibly attracts the heart .
Shree Radha .Both are wearing pearl necklaces .The jingling of their bracelets ,the jingling of their waistlets ,the
tinkling of anklets produces an intoxicating sound that forcibly attracts the heart .
Shri Krishna is adorned with peacock feather crown ,the veil adorning the head of Radha is exquisite .The gentle
slants of their hearts towards each other is enchanting .The Gopis are encircling Radha and Krishna ,who are
standing with their arms out stretched when they look into each other's eyes they appear even more beautiful .
भक्तियोग रसावतार जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालुजी महाराज ,दिव्यसंकीर्तन
slants of their hearts towards each other is enchanting .The Gopis are encircling Radha and Krishna ,who are
standing with their arms out stretched when they look into each other's eyes they appear even more beautiful .
भक्तियोग रसावतार जगद्गुरु श्री कृपालुजी महाराज ,दिव्यसंकीर्तन
7 टिप्पणियां:
बहुत सुन्दर .
नई पोस्ट : मंदारं शिखरं दृष्ट्वा
आपकी यह उत्कृष्ट प्रस्तुति कल शुक्रवार (11-10-2013) को " चिट़ठी मेरे नाम की
(चर्चा -1395) " पर लिंक की गयी है,कृपया पधारे.वहाँ आपका स्वागत है.
नवरात्रि और विजयादशमी की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें
सुंदर !
बहुत सुन्दर रचना
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