आरोग्य दस्तक
अल्ज़ाइमर्स रोग होने के अनन्तर उसके लगातार बढ़ने वाले प्रकार्यात्मक क्षय को कुछ अरसा मुल्तवी रखने में विटामिन E कामयाब रहता है। हल्का या फिर मझोले दर्ज़े की तीव्रता का अल्ज़ाइमर्स रोग होने पर यह विटामिन इस लगातार बढ़ने वाले NEUROLOGICAL DECAY को १९ फीसद तक की काल-अवधि तक के लिए आगे खिसका देता है।
Scientists have for the first time found that vitamin E delays progression of functional decline in patients with mild -to-moderate Alzhemier's disease by 19 % .
(२) एक हालिया अध्ययन से पता चला है सिर्फ आठ मिनिट की कसरत आपकी उदासी और दुःख तथा क्रोध और तनाव को कम कर सकती है।
(३) Cilantro leaves and seeds help heal urinary tract infections

अल्ज़ाइमर्स रोग होने के अनन्तर उसके लगातार बढ़ने वाले प्रकार्यात्मक क्षय को कुछ अरसा मुल्तवी रखने में विटामिन E कामयाब रहता है। हल्का या फिर मझोले दर्ज़े की तीव्रता का अल्ज़ाइमर्स रोग होने पर यह विटामिन इस लगातार बढ़ने वाले NEUROLOGICAL DECAY को १९ फीसद तक की काल-अवधि तक के लिए आगे खिसका देता है।
Scientists have for the first time found that vitamin E delays progression of functional decline in patients with mild -to-moderate Alzhemier's disease by 19 % .
(२) एक हालिया अध्ययन से पता चला है सिर्फ आठ मिनिट की कसरत आपकी उदासी और दुःख तथा क्रोध और तनाव को कम कर सकती है।
(३) Cilantro leaves and seeds help heal urinary tract infections
I grew up in a household where we were always cooking. Day in and day out for family meals, entertaining at holidays, or, more often than not, testing recipes for cooking contests. My mom was constantly busy in the kitchen, which meant my dad was often given the task of running to the grocery store for a last minute essential ingredient.
Now, my dad is an excellent food taster and even better dishwasher, but the culinary arts are certainly not his forte. Inevitably about 20 minutes after he left the house the phone would ring. Before even picking up the receiver my mom would know, “Daddy has a question…” This was a much better outcome than the times he would just guess then come home with the wrong ingredient. I can remember many instances when my mom opened up the grocery bag, ready to finish off a recipe, and sighing, “Bill! You got cilantro instead of parsley!”
For the novice cook, the difference between Italian Flat Leaf Parsley and Cilantro can be confusing at first since they are often located near each other in the produce aisle. There is one very easy rule of thumb that can help anyone (even my dad) differentiate between the two.
Keep reading for an easy trick to always tell the difference…
All you have to remember is “P is for Parsley because the leaves are Pointy” and “C is for Cilantro because the leaves are Curved!”
Recipes using Italian Flat Leaf Parsley:
(4)Pick one resolution and focus all your energy on it .It
would help you concentrate better and achieve more
concrete results.
(5 )The stress hormone cortisol send fat to the stomach
to protect your vital organs in case of an emergency
.Make it a point to relax atleast 20 minutes a day.
(6)Get a Natural Sugar Fix With These Fruits
If grapes and apples seem ho-hum, try something a bit more unusual. “Ultra-sweet exotic fruit satisfies sugar cravings, and its water and fiber help you feel full,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD. In season now:
(7) Recipe of the Day: Red-Lentil Hummus
How do vegetarians get their daily dose of protein? One answer is red lentils. Just one cup of this small but mighty legume contains most of your daily recommended protein and fiber.
Not only are they a great meat substitute, lentils can be used instead of traditional chickpeas to make hummus. In a side-by-side comparison with chickpeas, red lentils have close to twice the amount of protein and fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol and satisfy your hunger.
This red lentil-based dip has a creamy texture and delicious flavor from garlic, lemon, paprika, and coriander. This recipe is versatile and forgiving, so the herbs and spices in this dip can easily be adjusted to taste. Serve it with raw broccoli or toasted whole-grain pita wedges; it’s a guaranteed crowd-pleaser at your next gathering.
Ingredients: Red lentils, sea salt, tahini, garlic, olive oil, lemon, red-wine vinegar, coriander, paprika, parsley, Greek yogurt
Try this recipe: Red-Lentil Hummus
Compared to other types of dried beans, lentils are relatively quick and easy to prepare. They readily absorb a variety of wonderful flavors from other foods and seasonings, are high in nutritional value and are available throughout the year.
Lentils are legumes along with other types of beans. They grow in pods that contain either one or two lentil seeds that are round, oval or heart-shaped disks and are oftentimes smaller than the tip of a pencil eraser. They may be sold whole or split into halves with the brown and green varieties being the best at retaining their shape after cooking.
Eating Petite Red Lentils
Before cooking lentils, you should wash them in warm water to remove dust and dirt. Submerge the lentils in a bowl of water and pick through them to remove any rocks or foreign objects. Once washed and picked, petite red lentils are useful in a wide array of dishes. Some recipes that use petite red lentils include soups, salads, pastas, sauces and casseroles. Pureed lentils can act as a thickener, as well.
Calories and Fat
A 1-cup serving of cooked petite red lentils contains 230 calories. That is 11.5 percent of an average daily recommended intake of 2,000 calories. While the caloric content might seem a bit high to some individuals, the fat content more than makes up for it at 0.75 grams and no saturated fat. Low-fat foods help prevent heart disease, clogged arteries and many conditions associated with obesity.
Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber
Petite red lentils are rich in slow-digesting carbohydrates and dietary fiber that keep you feeling full and satisfied for two hours or more following a meal. One cup of cooked petite red lentils contains about 40 grams of carbohydrates, or about 18 percent of the average recommended daily intake. The dietary fiber content is about 57 percent of an average DRI at 15.6 grams per serving. Consuming foods high in dietary fiber, such as petite red lentils, lowers your risk of diabetes, heart disease and constipation.
The protein content of lentils is comparable to that of one serving of meat, but generally healthier because they contain low levels of fat. In one cup of petite red lentils, you consume nearly 18 grams of protein. One 3-ounce serving of chicken breast contains 18 grams of protein, as well. However, the chicken breast also contains more than 3 grams of fat in comparison to the 0.75 grams in the serving of petite red lentils.
Vitamins and Minerals
With 358 micrograms per serving, petite red lentils are rich in folate, a vitamin your body requires to create new cells and produce iron. One serving also provides about 16 international units of vitamin A. The minerals in a cup of petite red lentils include 731 milligrams of potassium, 356 milligrams of phosphorus and 71 milligrams of magnesium.
Petite red lentils, also known as petite crimson lentils, are small, round legumes with a light pink color. They are typically smaller than a pencil eraser and sold either split into halves or whole. Unlike most legumes, petite red lentils cook quickly since their exteriors are soft and easy for water to penetrate. Lentils contain significant amounts of nutrients in each serving and are an ideal addition to almost anyone’s diet.
Petite red lentils are creamy when cooked.
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