खबरें सेहत की
(१) कॉफी पीने की भी लत पड़ जाती है इसलिए यकबयक कॉफी पीना बंद न कीजिये ऐसा करना सिरदर्द की वजह बन सकता है धीरे धीरे ही कॉफी पीने की आदत से बाहर आइये।
Stopping coffee suddnely can cause headaches .Wean yourself off caffeine slowly
(२) रोज़मर्रा की खुराक में आप यदि हल्दी नहीं ले रहे हैं तब एक कप गुनगुने दूध में एक चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर नियमित लीजिये।
A new pill made from a rose -hip extract called Gopo has been found to reduce the agony of osteoarthritis sufferers by 90% .It also contains high levels lycopene ,that helps lower cholesterol .Osteoarthritis can cause debilitating stiffness in finger and thumb joints .
A new pill made from rose-hip extract has been found to reduce the agony of osteoarthritissufferers by an astonishing 90 percent.
Human trials suggest a wonder supplement called Gopo - named after a key ingredient of the plant - could provide a breakthrough for six million Britons whose lives are blighted by joint pain. Pills containing the supplement are now available in the UK for the first time - for just 15 pence each, the Daily Express reported. Scientists said that they have proved the herbal remedy possesses special properties which can alleviate the condition in the hand especially.
Danish researchers found the specially cultivated compound reduced nagging pain in nine out of 10 of the 30 people who took part in clinical trials. Debilitating stiffness in finger and thumb joints - the calling card of osteoarthritis - can make tasks like opening jars, holding cutlery and tying shoelaces near to impossible. The results of investigations carried out at Frederiksberg University in Copenhagen show the natural extract could offer the closest thing to a cure.
The pill gave round-the-clock relief, and sufferers were a third less likely to use conventional painkillers after taking the supplement. Rose-hip, also known as rose haw, is the fruit of the rose plant and is commonly used for jam, jelly, syrup, soup, wine and marmalade. It contains high levels of vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps lower cholesterol.
Gopo was discovered more than 20 years ago in Denmark. The compound is extracted using a special patented process after drying rose-hips. The findings are published in the Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Disease.
Rose hip extract has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties beneficial to osteoarthritis [GETTY]
Steve Crosby says he uses rose hip extract to significantly reduce osteoarthritis pain [PH]
(१) कॉफी पीने की भी लत पड़ जाती है इसलिए यकबयक कॉफी पीना बंद न कीजिये ऐसा करना सिरदर्द की वजह बन सकता है धीरे धीरे ही कॉफी पीने की आदत से बाहर आइये।
Stopping coffee suddnely can cause headaches .Wean yourself off caffeine slowly
(२) रोज़मर्रा की खुराक में आप यदि हल्दी नहीं ले रहे हैं तब एक कप गुनगुने दूध में एक चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर नियमित लीजिये।
A new pill made from a rose -hip extract called Gopo has been found to reduce the agony of osteoarthritis sufferers by 90% .It also contains high levels lycopene ,that helps lower cholesterol .Osteoarthritis can cause debilitating stiffness in finger and thumb joints .
A new pill made from rose-hip extract has been found to reduce the agony of osteoarthritissufferers by an astonishing 90 percent.
Human trials suggest a wonder supplement called Gopo - named after a key ingredient of the plant - could provide a breakthrough for six million Britons whose lives are blighted by joint pain. Pills containing the supplement are now available in the UK for the first time - for just 15 pence each, the Daily Express reported. Scientists said that they have proved the herbal remedy possesses special properties which can alleviate the condition in the hand especially.
Danish researchers found the specially cultivated compound reduced nagging pain in nine out of 10 of the 30 people who took part in clinical trials. Debilitating stiffness in finger and thumb joints - the calling card of osteoarthritis - can make tasks like opening jars, holding cutlery and tying shoelaces near to impossible. The results of investigations carried out at Frederiksberg University in Copenhagen show the natural extract could offer the closest thing to a cure.
The pill gave round-the-clock relief, and sufferers were a third less likely to use conventional painkillers after taking the supplement. Rose-hip, also known as rose haw, is the fruit of the rose plant and is commonly used for jam, jelly, syrup, soup, wine and marmalade. It contains high levels of vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps lower cholesterol.
Gopo was discovered more than 20 years ago in Denmark. The compound is extracted using a special patented process after drying rose-hips. The findings are published in the Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Disease.
Human trials suggest a wonder supplement called Gopo – named after a key ingredient of the plant – could provide a breakthrough for six million Britons whose lives are blighted by joint pain.
Pills containing the supplement are now available in the UK for the first time – for just 15p each.
Scientists said they have proved the herbal remedy possesses special properties which can alleviate the condition in the hand especially.
Danish researchers found the specially cultivated compound reduced nagging pain in nine out of 10 of the 30 people who took part in clinical trials.
Debilitating stiffness in finger and thumb joints – the calling card of osteoarthritis – can make tasks like opening jars, holding cutlery and tying shoelaces near to impossible.
The results of investigations carried out at Frederiksberg University in Copenhagen and published in the Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Disease show the natural extract could offer the closest thing to a cure.
The pill gave round-the-clock relief, and sufferers were a third less likely to use conventional painkillers after taking the supplement.
Scientists now plan a wider investigation of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Lead researcher Kaj Winther said: “Gopo has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective activity, helping to protect and repair joint cartilage even at low concentrations. The lessening of hand pain and stiffness observed in this study suggests it may play a key role in the drug-free management of osteoarthritis in the hand, providing sufferers with improved pain relief and mobility without the risk of harmful side effects.”
A spokesman for Arthritis Research UK said: “Our own studies have found rose hip in capsule form may be effective in relieving the pain of osteoarthritis and is relatively well-tolerated.”
Rose-hip, also known as rose haw, is the fruit of the rose plant and is commonly used for jam, jelly, syrup, soup, wine and marmalade.
It contains high levels of vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps lower cholesterol.
Gopo was discovered more than 20 years ago in Denmark. The compound is extracted using a special patented process after drying rose-hips.
The miracle supplement has been available in Scandinavia for a decade but has only recently become available in the UK in the shape of Gopo Joint Health. A pack of 120 5g tablets costs £17.99. Patients take four a day.
Father-of-three Steve Crosby, 48, was diagnosed with osteoarthritis at the age of seven and has relied ever since on super-strength doses of anti-inflammatory diclofenac and pain killer tramadol to relieve constant agony in his hands – until now.
Last night diabetic Steve, a company managing director from Berkshire, said: “I don’t like regular painkillers because of the damage they can do long term.
“Diclofenac has been found to potentially increase the blood pressure in patients with diabetes, which was a real concern as a diabetes sufferer.
“Gopo has enabled me to reduce my diclofenac intake from eight-a-day to only two-a-day. I have experienced a significant reduction in pain and am relieved to have found something I can take long-term without the risk of damaging my health.”
Known by medical experts as the “silent disease”, osteoarthritis usually develops with age as cartilage, the body’s natural shock absorber, is worn down in hips, knee and wrist joints. It affects half the UK’s older population.
Rose hip
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हल्दी हल्दी की महिमा।
labhdayak ......
रोचक जानकरी देने के लिए सादर धन्यवाद।।
नई कड़ियाँ : भारत कोकिला सरोजिनी नायडू
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