सोमवार, 1 जुलाई 2013


Making The Flap

In blade free LASIK procedure , a femtosecond laser passes through the top layers of the cornea and forms a microscopic bubble at a specific depth and position within the eye ,creating a uniform layer of bubbles beneath the corneal surface.

The doctor creates the corneal flap by gently separating the tissue where the bubbles have formed .The flap created through this process is folded and the Excimer laser corrects the refractive error of the eye .The corneal flap created through the laser is many times more accurate than a mechanical instrument (read microkeratome).It is a proven fact from clinical studies that precise flap dimension is a critical factor in the visual outcome by laser vision correction .The blade free LASIK method delivers outstanding visual results .A large number of patients report 20 /20 or better vision with the use of this technique.

Visual Acuity: What is 20/20 Vision?

20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. If you have 20/100 vision, it means that you must be as close as 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 100 feet.

20/20 does not necessarily mean perfect vision. 20/20 vision only indicates the sharpness or clarity of vision at a distance. There are other important vision skills, including peripheral awareness or side vision, eye coordination, depth perception, focusing ability and color vision that contribute to your overall visual ability.

Some people can see well at a distance, but are unable to bring nearer objects into focus. This condition can be caused by hyperopia (farsightedness) or presbyopia (loss of focusing ability). Others can see items that are close, but cannot see those far away. This condition may be caused by myopia (nearsightedness).

A comprehensive eye examination by a doctor of optometry can diagnose those causes, if any, that are affecting your ability to see well. In most cases, your optometrist can prescribe glasses, contact lenses or a vision therapy program that will help improve your vision. If the reduced vision is due to an eye disease, the use of ocular medication or other treatment may be used.

Femtosecond Lasers

Definition: lasers emitting pulses with durations between a few femtoseconds and hundreds of femtoseconds
A femtosecond laser is a laser which emits optical pulses with a duration well below 1 ps (→ ultrashort pulses), i.e., in the domain of femtoseconds (1 fs = 10−15 s). It thus also belongs to the category of ultrafast lasers or ultrashort pulse lasers. The generation of such short pulses is nearly always achieved with the technique of passive mode locking.

Laser Vision Correction :Step 3 


Once the corneal flap is created ,the cornea is treated to correct the refractive error with an excimer laser .This laser has earned FDA approval to treat the broadest range of vision imperfections possible ,including mild -to -severe nearsightedness , farsightedness and all types of astigmatism .

In a clinical study conducted one year later on blade free LASIK patients :

100 percent of nearsightedness patients and more than 95 percent of all patients could pass a driving test without glasses .


(1)In a standard LASIK procedure ,a microkeratome makes a single , one dimensional cut across the cornea .As it cuts , the blade oscillates back and forth ,which can leave an irregular surface after the flap is lifted .

In contrast to it ,femtosecond laser used in blade free LASIK gives a precise corneal flap .In a clinical study ,patients who got corneal flap created with microkeratome in one eye and femtosecond laser in another ,experienced better vision in the latter .

(2) Safer than standard LASIK 

The precise and perfect corneal flap avoids a majority of sight -threatening and non -sight threatening complications possible with traditional LASIK .

(3) Treats patients with high refractive errors and thin cornea too.

A thinner and more accurate cornea flap follows patients with  thinner corneas or those with higher corrections qualify as a candidate for laser vision correction with blade free LASIK.

Who is a candiadte ?

The fact is that majority of people who meet the age and general health requirements are good candidates for blade free LASIK procedure.

(1) You should be 18 years old .

(2) You should be in good general health .

(3 )You should have a stable vision prescription for at least six months .

(4) You should have no existing eye disease.

(5) You should not be pregnant or nursing.

(6) You should have cornea of adequate thickness.

Schedule your blade free LASIK procedure and get rid of your glasses.

ॐ शांति 

ॐ शांति .

  1. Images for laser created flaps

     - Report images

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