दवाओं के अन्वेषण एवं नै नै दवाओं के विकास के लिए भारत भर में जाने जाने
वाले इस धुरन्धर विज्ञान कार्टून पुरुष ने विज्ञान संचार एवं प्रसार के क्षेत्र में न सिर्फ एक नै विधा को जन्म दिया इसे देखते ही देखते दुनिया के नक़्शे पर फैला दिया।
विज्ञान और कार्टून का मिश्र रूप है विज्ञानटून (Science + Cartoon =Sientoon)?यह वैसे ही है जैसे संक्षिप्त रूप साइबोर्ग है (Cybernetics +Organism =Cyborg).
विज्ञान और कार्टून का मिश्र रूप है विज्ञानटून (Science + Cartoon =Sientoon)?यह वैसे ही है जैसे संक्षिप्त रूप साइबोर्ग है (Cybernetics +Organism =Cyborg).
शख्सियत :डॉ. प्रदीप कुमार श्रीवास्तव
(पूर्व उपनिदेशक एवं मुख्य वरिष्ठ
विज्ञानी केंद्रीय औषध अनुसंधान संस्थान ,लखनऊ )
शख्सियत :डॉ. प्रदीप कुमार श्रीवास्तव
(पूर्व उपनिदेशक एवं मुख्य वरिष्ठ
विज्ञानी केंद्रीय औषध अनुसंधान संस्थान ,लखनऊ )
विज्ञान पुरुष ने विज्ञान संचार एवं प्रसार के क्षेत्र में न सिर्फ एक नै विधा को जन्म दिया इसे देखते ही देखते दुनिया के नक़्शे पर फैला दिया ,उनका परिचय देना मात्र एक औपचारिकता से अधिक मेरे लिए और कुछ भी नहीं है।
फिर से दोहरा दें !आप ने विज्ञान संचार की एक नै विधा का सूत्रपात किया और उसे देखते ही देखते दुनिया के आँगन में फैला दिया। कहते हैं एक चित्र सौ पृष्ठों का संचार छिपाए रहता है अपने आँचल में जबकि एक कार्टून तो आपकी आत्मा का ही स्पर्श कर लेता है। कई तो आपके हीमोग्लोबिन का ही हिस्सा बन जाते हैं।
आप सही अर्थों में विज्ञान संचारी -साइंस कम्युनिकेटर हैं। आपकी हर सांस में विज्ञान कार्टून का वास है जिसने अबूझ विज्ञान प्रहेलिकाओं को एक ऐसे माध्यम से अभिव्यक्त किया है जिस पर सरसरी दृष्टि डालने मात्र से सब कुछ समझ में आ जाता है। इलाका चाहे फिर वह आनुवंशिकी का हो (हमारे खानदानी जीवन खंडों का हो या पर्यावरण से ताल्लुक रखता हो। ). मुहावरों और कहावतों की ही तरह बोध संवर्धक होते हैं आपके के विज्ञानटून (साइनटून ).
फिर से दोहरा दें !आप ने विज्ञान संचार की एक नै विधा का सूत्रपात किया और उसे देखते ही देखते दुनिया के आँगन में फैला दिया। कहते हैं एक चित्र सौ पृष्ठों का संचार छिपाए रहता है अपने आँचल में जबकि एक कार्टून तो आपकी आत्मा का ही स्पर्श कर लेता है। कई तो आपके हीमोग्लोबिन का ही हिस्सा बन जाते हैं।
विज्ञान प्रसार में निस्संदेह विज्ञान- कार्टून(विज्ञानटून )ने अपना अलग मुकाम बनाया है.
विज्ञान-टूनिकी(Scientoonics) विज्ञानं कार्टून की वह विद्या कही जायेगी जो भौतिक विज्ञानों के बुनियादी तत्वों और अवधारणाओं का सहज हमारी मेमोरी का हिस्सा बन जाने वाले विज्ञान सन्देश परक कार्टूनों द्वारा विस्तार से खुलासा करती है।
विज्ञान-टूनिकी(Scientoonics) विज्ञानं कार्टून की वह विद्या कही जायेगी जो भौतिक विज्ञानों के बुनियादी तत्वों और अवधारणाओं का सहज हमारी मेमोरी का हिस्सा बन जाने वाले विज्ञान सन्देश परक कार्टूनों द्वारा विस्तार से खुलासा करती है।
आम भाषा में कहें तो विज्ञानटून (Scientoon )भौतिक विज्ञानों पर आधारित कार्टून ही हैं। इन्हें देख कर वैज्ञानिक अवधारणाएं सीधे आपके दिमाग में घर बना लेतीं हैं। बुद्धि को पैनाने का अस्त्र कहा जा सकता है इन्हें।इनके संपर्क में रहने वाले व्यक्ति को दिमाग का अपविकासी रोग न्युरो- डीजेंरेटिव डिमेंशिया नहीं हो सकता।
इस विधा का अन्वेषण उस कहनी को चरितार्थ करता है ,आवश्यकता आविष्कार की जननी है।आप एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सभा के समक्ष अपना एक पर्चा पढ़ रहे थे। आप के पास ४५ मिनिट की सामिग्री थी जिसे आपको १० मिनिट में समेटने के लिए कहा गया।
साइनटून आपका कवच बनकर आ गए। और आप ऑडिएंस के दिलोदिमाग पर छा गये। समय का बोध हार गया। सम्मोहित सभा ने आपको रजत पुरूस्कार से उस पर्चे के लिए नवाज़ा जो आपने सिंगापुर में पढ़ा। विषय था :विकाशशील देशों में दवाओं का विकास और भेषज उद्योग (निगम तो इन देशों में हैं नहीं ). वर्ष था १९८८।
सन्दर्भ -सामिग्री : http://scientoon.com/index.php/awards.html
Scientoon and Scientoonics: A novel approach to make people see that Chemistry is very interesting and is a part of our life
Institute for scientoons should be set up in rural areas
He is a scientist who is known for his cartoons. With his cartoons, he promises you a joyride into the complex world of science and understanding scientific principles and phenomena becomes fun. Acclaimed by the American Chemical Society, World Health Organisation, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (France) and even by the Royal Swedish Academy and Swedish National Committee on Science and Technology (the same which awards Nobel prize in chemistry), he is riding high on his success as higher education institutes are coming forward to include the scientoons in their syllabi. Known as the father of scientoons and Assistant Director of Chemical Technology Division at Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, PRADEEP SRIVASTAVA talks to our correspondent about his mission to simplify science through cartoons.
Asit Srivastava
Lucknow, February 22: A scientist sketching cartoons sounds apocryphal. What prompted you into this? Science at times gets boring. Though the research work of a scientist may be of great importance to humanity, the general public takes no interest in understanding it. Complex theories, principles and lectures packed with scientific jargon tend to drive people away from science. Taking this into account, I felt the need to bridge the gap effectively and cartoons seemed the most viable option as they are enjoyed by all of us. My science based cartoons or scientoons not only makes one smile and laugh but also provides information about new researches, subjects and concepts in a simple, understandable and interesting way.
Are there any special areas of science covered by your scientoons?Although I try to touch every domain of science and technology, the main area covered by my scientoons pertain to genetics, antioxidants and preservation of traditional knowledge. Besides, my scientoons also focus on environmental issues.
Your cartoons have been accepted internationally now. Did you ever think that your cartoons would gain such a worldwide acceptance?
No. Even today, I get surprised to see the enormous response from all across the globe with invitations to give scientoon presentations in different countries. I first adopted scientoons in 1988 while giving my first lecture at the National University of Singapore. At that time, I was apprehensive about making a presentation through cartoons. But my attempt was lauded by the international scientists and since then, I decided to develop a new branch of science- Scientoon.
Your scientoon has been included in the course curriculum of some of the universities including the B.Ed course at Lucknow University? Do you think it should be included in primary school education also?
It was heartening to know that my cartoons have become a part of higher education syllabi. But my aim of simplifying science and generating interest in the subject can be achieved more easily, if we teach scientoons at primary level. At present, students are unaware of the importance and avenues of science and are leaving the stream. If my toons become a part of their syllabi, it will help inculcate a scientific temper among students and this in turn would make science popular among students.
Tell us something about your scientoon published by international bodies?
World Health Organistion has appreciated my scientoons for AIDS education and awareness. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has published reports on scientoons for raising environmental concern. Royal Swedish Academy and Swedish National Committee on Science and Technology invited me to present paper on scientoons in the 32nd International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Congress held at Stockholm, Sweden.
Do you think scientoons have earned more popularity abroad than in India?
Earlier it was so. But at present scientoons are equally popular in India as any other country. In a meeting headed by our director Dr C M Gupta, all the directors of CSIR labs of Lucknow were asked to provide research and development (R&D) information about their respective institutes. This has helped me to come up with more scientoons which have made it popular. Moreover, now scientist fraternity in India and abroad are approaching me with novel ideas of making cartoons.
Are you planning to make your scientoons more interactive?
Yes, definitely. At present, my cartoons explain science in English language only. This language barrier comes up as a problem in the mission to simplify science. Keeping this in mind, I am now looking forward to develop local language version of my scientoons. It will be in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and other prominent languages spoken in our country. This will widen the horizon of scientoons taking it to every nook and corner of our country.
What are your suggestions for promoting this new mode of science communication?
Institutes for scientoons should be set up, preferably in rural areas. This will not only make science popular but also would help in dispelling myths prevailing in the villages. Moreover, promotion of scientoons rests on the shoulders of our scientists working in different fields. Science has now become inter-disciplinary and all scientists, irrespective of their domain, must contribute towards this.
Institute for scientoons should be set up in rural areas
He is a scientist who is known for his cartoons. With his cartoons, he promises you a joyride into the complex world of science and understanding scientific principles and phenomena becomes fun. Acclaimed by the American Chemical Society, World Health Organisation, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (France) and even by the Royal Swedish Academy and Swedish National Committee on Science and Technology (the same which awards Nobel prize in chemistry), he is riding high on his success as higher education institutes are coming forward to include the scientoons in their syllabi. Known as the father of scientoons and Assistant Director of Chemical Technology Division at Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, PRADEEP SRIVASTAVA talks to our correspondent about his mission to simplify science through cartoons.
Asit Srivastava
Lucknow, February 22: A scientist sketching cartoons sounds apocryphal. What prompted you into this? Science at times gets boring. Though the research work of a scientist may be of great importance to humanity, the general public takes no interest in understanding it. Complex theories, principles and lectures packed with scientific jargon tend to drive people away from science. Taking this into account, I felt the need to bridge the gap effectively and cartoons seemed the most viable option as they are enjoyed by all of us. My science based cartoons or scientoons not only makes one smile and laugh but also provides information about new researches, subjects and concepts in a simple, understandable and interesting way.
Are there any special areas of science covered by your scientoons?Although I try to touch every domain of science and technology, the main area covered by my scientoons pertain to genetics, antioxidants and preservation of traditional knowledge. Besides, my scientoons also focus on environmental issues.
Your cartoons have been accepted internationally now. Did you ever think that your cartoons would gain such a worldwide acceptance?
No. Even today, I get surprised to see the enormous response from all across the globe with invitations to give scientoon presentations in different countries. I first adopted scientoons in 1988 while giving my first lecture at the National University of Singapore. At that time, I was apprehensive about making a presentation through cartoons. But my attempt was lauded by the international scientists and since then, I decided to develop a new branch of science- Scientoon.
Your scientoon has been included in the course curriculum of some of the universities including the B.Ed course at Lucknow University? Do you think it should be included in primary school education also?
It was heartening to know that my cartoons have become a part of higher education syllabi. But my aim of simplifying science and generating interest in the subject can be achieved more easily, if we teach scientoons at primary level. At present, students are unaware of the importance and avenues of science and are leaving the stream. If my toons become a part of their syllabi, it will help inculcate a scientific temper among students and this in turn would make science popular among students.
Tell us something about your scientoon published by international bodies?
World Health Organistion has appreciated my scientoons for AIDS education and awareness. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has published reports on scientoons for raising environmental concern. Royal Swedish Academy and Swedish National Committee on Science and Technology invited me to present paper on scientoons in the 32nd International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Congress held at Stockholm, Sweden.
Do you think scientoons have earned more popularity abroad than in India?
Earlier it was so. But at present scientoons are equally popular in India as any other country. In a meeting headed by our director Dr C M Gupta, all the directors of CSIR labs of Lucknow were asked to provide research and development (R&D) information about their respective institutes. This has helped me to come up with more scientoons which have made it popular. Moreover, now scientist fraternity in India and abroad are approaching me with novel ideas of making cartoons.
Are you planning to make your scientoons more interactive?
Yes, definitely. At present, my cartoons explain science in English language only. This language barrier comes up as a problem in the mission to simplify science. Keeping this in mind, I am now looking forward to develop local language version of my scientoons. It will be in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and other prominent languages spoken in our country. This will widen the horizon of scientoons taking it to every nook and corner of our country.
What are your suggestions for promoting this new mode of science communication?
Institutes for scientoons should be set up, preferably in rural areas. This will not only make science popular but also would help in dispelling myths prevailing in the villages. Moreover, promotion of scientoons rests on the shoulders of our scientists working in different fields. Science has now become inter-disciplinary and all scientists, irrespective of their domain, must contribute towards this.
Biographical: PRADEEP K. SRIVASTAVA is a Sr. Scientist in Medicinal & Process Chemistry Division of Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow, India. He is the man who created a new science called “SCIENTOONICS” A scientist by profession is involved in developing technology for the production of various drugs and pharmaceuticals. He did his M.Sc. in Organic chemistry (Kanpur University) and Ph.D. work from Kanpur University. He has got more than 30 years of experience in the area of process chemistry for the development of various synthetic and natural product compounds as drugs and drug intermediates. He is presently working on a drug for Brain Stroke. He is the first person in the world to start a novel concept called “SCIENTOONS” a new class of cartoons, which are based on science in the year 1988. He is the father of SCIENTOONICS, a new branch of science that deals with science communication. He has delivered more than 695 invited lectures so far in India, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa, USA and Caribbean countries covering more than 24 different topics. HONOURS AND AWARDS NATIONAL: 1."THE OUTSTANDING YOUNG PERSON OF INDIA" award given by Indian Junior Chamber. Others include P.T.USHA (Sports), PANKAJ UDHAS (Music), SUDHA CHANDRAN (acting). ASIAN 1."SILVER MEDAL" for the best lecture in the “First Asian Conference on Pharmaceutical Education, Research and Drug Industry” held at National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE. (1988). INTERNATIONAL 1."THE OUTSTANDING YOUNG PERSON OF THE WORLD" award given by JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (USA) to 10 selected persons of the world, annually. Past Recipients of this award include former US PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY, RICHARD NIXON, DR. HENRY KISSINGER, BENIGNO AQUINO (PHILIPPINES) JACKIE CHAN (HONG KONG, FILMS) and many more. (1990) SPECIAL HONOUR. Singapore based magazine "The Young Scientist" which is read by more than 100,000 children in Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia and also India has selected him as the "International Brand Ambassador".
Biographical: PRADEEP K. SRIVASTAVA is a Sr. Scientist in Medicinal & Process Chemistry Division of Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow, India. He is the man who created a new science called “SCIENTOONICS” A scientist by profession is involved in developing technology for the production of various drugs and pharmaceuticals. He did his M.Sc. in Organic chemistry (Kanpur University) and Ph.D. work from Kanpur University. He has got more than 30 years of experience in the area of process chemistry for the development of various synthetic and natural product compounds as drugs and drug intermediates. He is presently working on a drug for Brain Stroke. He is the first person in the world to start a novel concept called “SCIENTOONS” a new class of cartoons, which are based on science in the year 1988. He is the father of SCIENTOONICS, a new branch of science that deals with science communication. He has delivered more than 695 invited lectures so far in India, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Africa, USA and Caribbean countries covering more than 24 different topics. HONOURS AND AWARDS NATIONAL: 1."THE OUTSTANDING YOUNG PERSON OF INDIA" award given by Indian Junior Chamber. Others include P.T.USHA (Sports), PANKAJ UDHAS (Music), SUDHA CHANDRAN (acting). ASIAN 1."SILVER MEDAL" for the best lecture in the “First Asian Conference on Pharmaceutical Education, Research and Drug Industry” held at National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE. (1988). INTERNATIONAL 1."THE OUTSTANDING YOUNG PERSON OF THE WORLD" award given by JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (USA) to 10 selected persons of the world, annually. Past Recipients of this award include former US PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY, RICHARD NIXON, DR. HENRY KISSINGER, BENIGNO AQUINO (PHILIPPINES) JACKIE CHAN (HONG KONG, FILMS) and many more. (1990) SPECIAL HONOUR. Singapore based magazine "The Young Scientist" which is read by more than 100,000 children in Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia and also India has selected him as the "International Brand Ambassador".
Favourite Publications: Nature, Science Daily News, Scidev, Chemistry International
Favourite Publications: Nature, Science Daily News, Scidev, Chemistry International


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