शुक्रवार, 31 जनवरी 2014

Doctors use peanuts to cure children allergic to it

मूंगफली में ही छिपा है इससे पैदा होने वाली एलर्जी (मूंगफली के प्रति असाधारण संवेदनशीलता )का इलाज़।

एलर्जी कभी भी किसी को भी किसी भी चीज़ से हो सकती है भले फिर वह चीज़ खाद्य सामग्री के तहत हो या

इत्र फुलेल किसी तेल का वाष्प  हो ,पोलन ग्रेन्स हों या एनीमल डेंडर ,एनीमल -फर हो ,कार्पेट की धूल हो या

कुछ और जैसे अंडा ।यहाँ तक की तापमान (टेम्परेचर )भी एक असरकारी एलर -जन (एलर्जी पैदा करने वाली

भौतिक राशि है  )


(सॉस )में गुप्त रूप से शामिल मूंगफली से पैदा एलर्जिक रिएक्शन से कई मरतबा अनजाने में ही लेने के देने

पड़ जाते हैं। अक्सर उन चीज़ों से बचा जाता है जिनसे एलर्जी हो। लेकिन यहाँ चिकित्सकों ने कुछ ख़ास लोगों

के लिए एलर्जीकारक पदार्थ सिद्ध होने वाली मूंगफली से ही इसका इलाज़ भी ढूंढ लिया लगता है।

वो कहते हैं न कई रोग कारकों में ही छिपा रहता है रोग का समाधान। होम्योपैथी चिकित्सा का तो यह

मूलाधार है। वही  चीज़ अल्पपांश की भी अल्पतर राशि में ओर्गेनिज़म ,आपके तंत्र में प्रवेशित की जाती है जो

रोग का कारण बनी है।   यहाँ भी यही नुस्खा आज़माया गया है। चिकित्सकों का कहना है जिन नौनिहालों को

मूंगफली किसी भी रूप में खाने से एलर्जी होती है उन्हें  हमने  अपने शोध अध्ययन में  मूंगफली पाउडर

अल्पांश में ही धीरे धीरे रोज़ ब रोज़ खिलाकर ठीक किया है। ताकि रफ्ता रफ्ता इस एलर्जीकारक के प्रति

टोलरेंस पनपे। शरीर तंत्र इसे स्वीकृति देना सीख जाए। कई महीनों तक ऐसी ही आज़माइश करते रहने के

बाद बच्चों में इसके प्रति एलर्जी प्रति -रक्षण देखा गया है। रिसर्चरों ने अपना यह अध्ययन साप्ताहिक



लांसेट मेडिकल जर्नल में प्रकाशित किया है। चिकित्सा की इस प्रणाली को नाम दिया गया है -ओरल -इम्यूनो

-थिरेपी (OIT).नौनिहालों पे संपन्न इस ट्रायल में शामिल कुल बच्चों में से ८४-९१%बच्चे आराम से ८००

मिलीग्राम मूंगफली पाउडर का बिना एलर्जिक रिएक्शन दर्शाये सेवन करते रहे हैं। ज़ाहिर है उनके प्रति -रक्षा

तंत्र से मूंगफली को कमोबेश स्वीकृति मिलने लगी है।

  1. News for doctors use peanuts to cure children allegic to it

    1. Bangkok Post ‎- 1 day ago
      Doctors said Thursday they could treat peanut allergy by feedingchildren the very thing their bodies reject, so building tolerance that could ...

  2. Doctors use peanuts to cure children of potentially fatal allergy
Paris — Doctors said Thursday they could treat peanut allergy by feeding children the very thing their bodies reject, so building tolerance that could save a life in case of accidential ingestion.
Small doses of peanut powder taken over several months seemed to induce tolerance in children with the potentially deadly allergy, a research team wrote Wednesday in The Lancet medical journal.

After six months of treatment, dubbed oral immunotherapy or OIT, 84-91 percent of the children in a trial could safely tolerate daily doses of 800 mg (0.03 ounces) of peanut powder -- the equivalent of about five peanuts, wrote the team.
This was 25 times the amount they could tolerate before the therapy, and much larger than any accidental dose is likely to ever be.
"The treatment allowed children with all severities of peanut allergy to eat large quantities of peanuts, well above the levels found in contaminated snacks and meals, freeing them and their parents from the fear of a potentially life threatening allergic reaction," said study leader Andrew Clark from Cambridge University Hospitals.
"The families involved in this study say that it has changed their lives dramatically."
The trial involved 99 allergic children aged seven to sixteen.
One in five of the kids receiving OIT reported "adverse events" -- mostly mild itching of the mouth, the authors said.
They stressed that people should not try the treatment at home as more research was needed.
Peanut allergy affects about one in fifty children and is the most common cause of fatal food allergy reactions, said a press statement. About 10 million people around the world are allergic to peanuts.

Symptoms vary from mild to severe, from swollen lips or shortness of breath to anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal.
While "exceptionally promising", the method remains experimental, Matthew Greenhawt from the University of Michigan Food Allergy Center wrote in a comment also carried by The Lancet.
"It is unknown if OIT can produce lasting tolerance," he wrote.

Doctors said Thursday they could treat peanut allergy by feeding children the very thing their bodies reject, so building tolerance that could save a life in case of accidential ingestion (AFP/File, Saul Loeb)

Scientists appear to have located the conscience

क्या साइंसदानों ने हमारे दिमाग के उस हिस्से का पता लगा लिया है जहां से हमारी अंतश्चेतना अपना काम करती है। बुरे फैसले ले लेने पर क्या यही हिस्सा हमें कचोटता  है हमें हमारे कर्मों के अच्छे या बुरे होने का ज्ञान कराता है। 

साइंसदानों ने हमारे साथ साथ मैकाक बंदरों के दिमाग के एमआरआई लेने के बाद ये निष्कर्ष निकाले हैं कि यही वह हिस्सा है जिसे लेटरल फ्रंटल पोल प्री -फ्रंटल -कॉर्टेक्स  कहा जा रहा है जो बंदरों में नदारद है। यहीं कहीं है हमारा अंत :करण जो हमने अन्य प्राणियों से अलग करता है ,एक विशेष दर्ज़ा दिलवाता है। अच्छे और बुरे के प्रति कर्म करने से पहले चेताता है। हमारे बलंडर करने पर मलाल करता करवाता है।हमें एक ही समय पर एक से ज्यादा काम करने की क्षमता प्रदान करता है बोले तो मल्टी -टास्किंग भी यही करवाता है।  

दिमाग के अग्र भाग में समायोजित है यह ख़ास अंतश्चेतना  केंद्र।   जीवन और जगत के बारे में यही हमसे चिंतन मनन करवाता है। 

हम जानते हैं हमारा दिमाग एक टेलीफोन एक्सचेंज की तरह काम करता है जिसमें न्यूरॉनों का संजाल काबिज़ है। दिमाग का यह ख़ास हिस्सा भी न्यूरल ऊतकों से निर्मित एक गेंद ही है। 

दिमाग के दूसरे हिस्से सिर्फ यह देखते हैं फैसलों पर अमल  कैसा और कितना हो रहा है जबकि यह हिस्सा सोचता है कि वैसा करता मैं तो कैसा होता  ?क्या लिया गया फैसला ठीक रहा ?

चुंबकीय अनुनाद चित्रण से यह भी पता चला कि दिमाग का यह हिस्सा एक दर्ज़न छोटे छोटे हिस्सों से बना है। 

Scientists appear to have located the conscience

The part of the brain that makeshumans superior to all known animals, and which also functions as the voice from within — popularly called conscience — has finally been found. 

Scientists from the Oxford University have for the first time identified an area of the human brain that appears unlike anything in the brains of other primates. It is part of the Ventrolateral Frontal Cortex, a region of the brain known for over 150 years for being involved in many of the highest aspects of cognition and language. 

To look into which part of this region actually controls our superior decision making , scientists carried out MRI scans in both humans and monkeys. They found one area of the cortex that had no equivalent in the macaque monkeys — an area called the lateral frontal pole prefrontal cortex. 

"We have established an area in human frontal cortex — the brain area known to be intimately involved in the most advanced planning and decision-making processes — that we think of as being especially human. It does not seem to have an equivalent in the monkey. This area has also been identified with multi-tasking ," says author Franz-Xaver Neubert of Oxford University. 

Scientists also believe that lateral frontal pole prefrontal cortex is the loud (inner ) voice that pricks whenever we are inclined towards evil or blunder in our lives. Oxford scientists say this is the region that tells us when we go wrong and whether we have been well advised to do something better. 

MRI imaging of 25 adult volunteers was used to identify key components in the cortex area of the human brain, and how these components were connected up with other brain areas. 

The results were then compared to equivalent MRI data from 25 macaque monkeys.

Have scientists found the conscience? Region of brain 

discovered that makes you feel bad about poor choices

  • Region is called the lateral frontal pole and located at the front of the brain

  • It is used to reflect on decisions, as well as ponder the meaning of life

  • The research could help scientists understand psychological conditions

  • A part of the brain that helps stop humans from making bad 

  • decisions and acts as our conscience has been discovered 

  • by scientists

  • The small ball of neural tissue, named the lateral frontal is vital for pondering the ‘what ifs’ of life, researchers said.  

  • Other parts of the brain keep tabs on how well decisions are working, but this new region thinks over what we might have done instead.

    Scientists at Oxford University made the discovery after scanning human brains in two different ways

    Scans from 25 men and women showed that this part of the brain is made up of a dozen smaller sections. The scans were then compared with monkey brains.

    The scans showed that there is nothing like it in the brain of the macaque monkey, despite it being one of our closest relatives.

    Eleven of the 12 sections in the network were similar – they they were found in both humans and monkeys and connected up to other, more distant, brain areas in similar ways.

    But one, the lateral frontal pole prefrontal cortex, was missing in the macaques, despite it being one of our closest relatives.
    Differences in the human and monkey brain have been found before, but this is special because it is the first time such a clear change has been spotted in the region behind flexible thought.

    Oxford University scientist Matthew Rushworth said: ‘We’ve identified an area of the brain that appears to be uniquely human.’
    The lateral frontal pole prefrontal cortex is found at the very front of the brain – with one just above each eyebrow.
    In some people, it is the size of a Brussels sprout; in others, it is as big as a tangerine.
    Previous research has shown it is particularly important in multi-tasking. For instance, if we decide to do one thing, it will continue to evaluate the other option – or think about what might have been.
    While this might seem odd, it is good preparation for a later change of mind.
    The tiny brain region helps us learn from watching others’ mistakes, speeding up the acquisition of new skills.
    The study, published in the journal Neuron also revealed the people to have stronger wiring to brain regions involved in hearing – perhaps helping explain our ability to speak.
    Such work could help shed light on psychiatric conditions including ADHD and obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as improve understanding of how speech is damaged by a stroke.

  • The frontal pole prefrontal cortex is involved in very human activities from multi-tasking (pictured) to pondering the 'what ifs' of life

    Scans show that there is nothing like it in the brain of the macaque monkey, despite it being one of our closest relatives

  • The frontal pole prefrontal cortex is involved in very human activities from multi-tasking (left) to pondering the 'what ifs' of life. Scans show that there is nothing like it in the brain of the macaque monkey (right), despite it being one of our closest relatives

  •  There is a section of the brain associated with the ability to spot bad decisions that is uniquely human, according to researchers
    There is a section of the brain associated with the ability to spot bad decisions that is uniquely human, according to researchers

  • चलते चलते बातें सेहत की

    चलते चलते बातें सेहत की 


    Eating high levels of flavonoids including anthocyanins and other compounds (found in berries ,tea ,and chocolate )could offer protection from type 2 diabetes .High intakes of the compounds are associated with lower insulin resistance and better blood glucose regulation .

    Red Strawberry Stock PhotoRed Raspberry Fruit Stock Photo Ripe Red fruit Ripe Red Fruit Stock Photo
    Ripe Red Fruit                  red raspberries

    (2) अमरुद में मौज़ूद रहता है फोलेट खनिज यह प्रजनन क्षमता /गर्भ 

    धारण करने करवाने में (fertility )इज़ाफ़ा करता है। 

    (३) Studies show that risk of cardiovascular disease is lower among 

    those who are regular stair climbers .

    (४) गाज़र खाने का मतलब स्वस्थ चमड़ी (त्वचा ),केश राशि ,बीनाई 

    (नज़र ,vision )हो सकता है। शरीर की सफाई भी करता है गाज़र का 


    (५) घीया (bottle gourd )शरीर के तापमान का विनियामक,नियंत्रण 

    करने वाला 


    control food )खाद्य  है।यह शरीर का सामान्य तापमान बनाये रखने 

    में मददगार सिद्ध होता है। जलीय अंश लिए रहता है घीया। 


    Brain imaging have revealed for the first time how ecstasy 

    produces  feelings of euphoria in users .Scientists suggest 

    that the common party drug may now help treat anxiety and 

    post- traumatic stress disorder. 

    (७)सेव (एपिल्स )एंटी -ऑक्सीडेंट के उम्दा स्रोत हैं ,हमारे बुढ़ाने के लिए 

    कुसूरवार मॉलिक्यूल्स (फ्री रेडिकल्स )का मुकाबला करता है चंद 

    विटामिन और खनिजों का यह समहू जिसे एंटी -ऑक्सीडेंट कहा गया है।

    (८ )हाड़ तोड़ कसरत (intense workout )के बाद सिर्फ पानी पीने से 

    काम नहीं चलता है कुछ ऐसे पेय भी लेने चाहिए जो ज़रूरी इलेक्ट्रो -

    लाइट्स की आपूर्ति करवा सकें।