रविवार, 30 जून 2013



What Is Full Form Of Lasik ?

LASIK  is an acronym for Laser- Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis.It 

is a refractive procedure that involves 

permanently changing the shape of the cornea,the clear covering of 

the front of the eye using an excimer 



The Next Generation LASIK

Have you been thinking of laser vision correction ? Shed your doubts ,concerns ,specs and contact lenses too ,because blade free LASIK has arrived .With this technology laser vision correction procedure has become 100 percent blade -free and completely safe.

NASA recommends blade free LASIK to  aspiring astronauts to get rid of their specs ,as it can withstand high gravitational forces and has been found to be stable and secure even in extreme environmental conditions .

The Blade Free LASIK creates Your Vision Profile

Step 1

The blade free LASIK procedure is customized for the patient .The 
first step in this procedure is to perform a series of tests to 

determine the individual characteristics of your vision , including 

the WaveScan technology .The WaveScan system creates a 3 -D 

map of the unique imperfections of your eyes .Then the advanced 

CustomVue process uses the digital information from that map to 

design a customized treatment for each of your eye .The procedure 

is based on your personal vision profile.


  1. Images for WaveScan Map

     - Report images

शनिवार, 29 जून 2013



What Is Full Form Of Lasik ?

LASIK  is an acronym for Laser- Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis.It 

is a refractive procedure that involves 

permanently changing the shape of the cornea,the clear covering of 

the front of the eye using an excimer 



The Next Generation LASIK

Have you been thinking of laser vision correction ? Shed your doubts ,concerns ,specs and contact lenses too ,because blade free LASIK has arrived .With this technology laser vision correction procedure has become 100 percent blade -free and completely safe.

NASA recommends blade free LASIK to  aspiring astronauts to get rid of their specs ,as it can withstand high gravitational forces and has been found to be stable and secure even in extreme environmental conditions .


In any LASIK procedure the first step is to create a corneal flap .In standard LASIK the surgeon uses a hand -held oscillating blade called microkeratome to cut the corneal flap .The flap is then folded  and the Excimer laser treats the cornea to correct the refractive error .

In blade free LASIK ,femtosecond laser has replaced the steel blade   

for creation of the corneal flap which improves visual outcome and post -operative comfort for the patient.

A  femtosecomd laser is a laser which emits optical pulses with a duration well below 1 ps ( ultrashort pulses )  i .e in the domain of 

femtoseconds (1 fs = 10−15 s).

When you opt for advanced blade free LASIK 

procedure you get a completely integrated 

,personalized vision correction procedure based on 

cutting edge technology at every step.


आपदाओं के प्रबंधक

आपदाओं के प्रबंधक 

आपदाओं के प्रबंधक आपदाओं का इंतज़ार करते हैं .आपदाएं आएं तो ये बैठक करें .तर्क यह होता है भाई मुझे बादल का इंचार्ज  तो आपने बना दिया जब बादल फटा ही नहीं तो मैं  बैठक क्या करूं ?
प्रधान मंत्री माननीय श्री मनमोहन सिंह जी को २ ० ० ९ में आपदा प्रबंधन विभाग सौंपा गया था .ज़नाब ने आज तक भी कोई बैठक नहीं की है .

तर्क शायद वही था भाई साहब बाढ़ का आवाहन करो बाढ़  आए तो हम बैठक करें .दरसल उपाय बचावी भी किए जाते हैं ये इन्हें इस पद पे बिठाने वालों को भी खबर न थी .

प्रधान मंत्री सोचते रहे आपदा घटे तो बैठक करूं .बिला वजह क्यों माथा पच्ची करूं .सूत न कपास बुनकरों में लठ्ठम लठ्ठा .

ये लोग प्रबंधन शब्द को पकड़े बैठे रहे आपदा आए तो मैं मेनेज करूं .आपदा आई ही नहीं इसमें मनमोहन सिंह जी का क्या कुसूर ?कई प्रवक्ता ऐसा बा -कायदा कह सकते हैं .तर्क में वजन भी है .

बचावी उपायों का इल्म ही नहीं था जब आपदा आई बादल फटा ,हिमनद पिघला ,किसी ने चोरी छिपे बादल बोया तो सब हत प्रभ .मुख्यमंत्री बदहवास ,कांग्रेसी राजकुमार ला -पता .

कई सोचतें हैं हम तो पर्यटन के इंचार्ज हैं ये तीर्थस्थल प्रबन्धन क्या होता है .हमारा काम वन कानूनों को धता बताकर ,पर्यावरण -पारितंत्रों की अनदेखी करके सड़कें बनाना है पहाड़ को नंगा करना है हरियाली नोंच के तभी तो आपदा भी आयेगी .जब आयेगी तो धीरे धीरे प्रबंधन भी आप से आप सीख जायेंगें ,जल्दी भी क्या है अभी तो वोट की जुगाड़ करनी है २ ० १ ४ छोड़ने वाला नहीं है अब आया के तब आया .

ॐ शान्ति .

शुक्रवार, 28 जून 2013

आपदाओं के प्रबंधक

आपदाओं के प्रबंधक 

आपदाओं के प्रबंधक आपदाओं का इंतज़ार करते हैं .आपदाएं आएं तो ये बैठक करें .तर्क यह होता है भाई मुझे बादल का इंचार्ज  तो आपने बना दिया जब बादल फटा ही नहीं तो मैं  बैठक क्या करूं ?
प्रधान मंत्री माननीय श्री मनमोहन सिंह जी को २ ० ० ९ में आपदा प्रबंधन विभाग सौंपा गया था .ज़नाब ने आज तक भी कोई बैठक नहीं की है .

तर्क शायद वही था भाई साहब बाढ़ का आवाहन करो बाढ़  आए तो हम बैठक करें .दरसल उपाय बचावी भी किए जाते हैं ये इन्हें इस पद पे बिठाने वालों को भी खबर न थी .

प्रधान मंत्री सोचते रहे आपदा घटे तो बैठक करूं .बिला वजह क्यों माथा पच्ची करूं .सूत न कपास बुनकरों में लठ्ठम लठ्ठा .

ये लोग प्रबंधन शब्द को पकड़े बैठे रहे आपदा आए तो मैं मेनेज करूं .आपदा आई ही नहीं इसमें मनमोहन सिंह जी का क्या कुसूर ?कई प्रवक्ता ऐसा बा -कायदा कह सकते हैं .तर्क में वजन भी है .

बचावी उपायों का इल्म ही नहीं था जब आपदा आई बादल फटा ,हिमनद पिघला ,किसी ने चोरी छिपे बादल बोया तो सब हत प्रभ .मुख्यमंत्री बदहवास ,कांग्रेसी राजकुमार ला -पता .

कई सोचतें हैं हम तो पर्यटन के इंचार्ज हैं ये तीर्थस्थल प्रबन्धन क्या होता है .हमारा काम वन कानूनों को धता बताकर ,पर्यावरण -पारितंत्रों की अनदेखी करके सड़कें बनाना है पहाड़ को नंगा करना है हरियाली नोंच के तभी तो आपदा भी आयेगी .जब आयेगी तो धीरे धीरे प्रबंधन भी आप से आप सीख जायेंगें ,जल्दी भी क्या है अभी तो वोट की जुगाड़ करनी है २ ० १ ४ छोड़ने वाला नहीं है अब आया के तब आया .

ॐ शान्ति .

What is ARMD?

Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)  is a disease that causes progressive degeneration of the macula.Macula is the central part of the retina that allows us to see fine details.Many people develop Macular Degeneration as part of body's ageing process.This  condition ,which is the commonest cause of blindness in the Western World after the age of 65 ,is now becoming common in our country too .In the past ,treatment for ARMD was limited ,but extensive research on the subject has made its management possible ,thereby helping the elderly retain their vision and improve their quality of life .

With improvements    in socio-economic conditions ,comes longevity and with longevity incidences of Age Related Macular Degeneration  increase.

Forms of Macular Degeneration 

The two most common types of Age Related Macular Degeneration are :

(1)Dry Macular Degeneration (Atrophic):  This form is the more common form of the disease and accounts for 90% of all ARMD.It is caused by ageing and thinning of the tissues of the macula .Vision loss is usually gradual and may take years .Low vision aids may help the patient in reading and near vision work .

(2)Wet Mcular Degeneration (Exudative ):This form is characterised by development of abnormal blood vessels beneath the retinal pigment epithelial layer .These vessels can bleed and eventually cause scarring ,leading to profound loss of central vision in weeks to months .Hence ,Wet ARMD needs to be treated as early as possible .

This form is characterised by choroidal Neovasculariztion (CNV),the development of abnormal blood vessels beneath the Retinal Pigment Epithelium(RPE) layer of the retina .These vessels can bleed and eventually cause macular scarring which can result in profound loss of central vision (disciform scar).

What are the Symptoms of Macular Degeneration ?

Early stages of Macular Degeneration may not cause decrease in vision .Sometimes only one eye loses vision while the other eye continues to see well for many years.The condition may be hardly noticeable in its early stages .But when both eyes are affected reading and close work can become difficult .You may experience one or more of the following symptoms .

(1)Straight lines look distorted ,especially at the centre of vision .

(2)Colors look dim .

(3) Words on a page look blurred.

(4)A dark or empty area appears in the centre of vision .

Progression of Macular Degeneration 

If there is macular degeneration in one eye ,then the fellow is at high risk of developing macular degeneration as well .The risk of the fellow eye developing macular degeneration is reported to be 38%-55%.

Treatment for ARMD 

Although accounting for 10% of all cases of ARMD ,Wet ARMD causes severe vision loss .Recent studies have proven that selected patients have much less chance of significant visual loss if they are treated by Laser photocoagulation (Hot Lasers )than if they are not treated .only 20% of the patients of Wet ARMD can be treated with Laser photocoagulation.

PDT is a type of cold laser which is used in patients on whom the neo vascular membrane is below the centre point of the eye (fovea i.e sub  foveal ).The aim of this treatment is to stablise the existing vision , but vision improvement occurs in less than 5% of the patients following the treatment.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a cold laser treatment that is still being used to treat patients with wet AMD, though much less frequently now that useful drugs are available.  It may be tried in combination with Lucentis or other anti-angiogenic drugs, as that may increase the effectiveness.   In PDT, a drug (Visudyne) that reacts to light is injected into the patient's arm. Once it moves up to the eye it pools in those damaged new blood vessels of the retina.
A laser with a low power (a cold laser) is used. When exposed to the laser, Viudyne seals off the leaking vessels. Since it does not stay in the healthy retinal cells, they do not react to the laser and are not damaged.
However, since the photoreactive material remains in the body for several days, patients must stay out of the sun and cover up carefully on their trip home from the ophthalmologist or they will get a severe sunburn. Otherwise, few side effects or complications have been reported and the treatment can be successful for selected patients.

Laser Photocoagulation for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Laser photocoagulation is a type of laser surgery that uses 

an intense beam of light to burn small areas of the 

retina and the abnormal blood vessels beneath themacula.

 (See a picture of the eye camera.) The burns form scar 

tissue that seals the blood vessels, keeping them from 

leaking under the macula. By sealing the leaky blood 

vessels, laser photocoagulation slows down:

  • The buildup of fluid under the retina that distorts the shape 

  • and position of the macula.

  • The growth of scar tissue and the abnormal membrane 

  • under the retina, both of which damage the cells in the 

  • macula.

  • Central vision loss.

Laser surgery may be done in a doctor's office or eye clinic 

using a local anesthetic that affects only the eye 

area. The surgery itself is painless. But your eye may hurt 

slightly after the surgery.

Anti -VEGF Treatment 

The latest development for treating Exudative ARMD are specific drugs which target a specific chemical that is critical for causing abnormal blood vessels to grow under the retina .This chemical is called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF).Anti -VEGF drugs block the trouble causing VEGF ,reducing the growth of abnormal vessels and slowing their leakage.

गुरुवार, 27 जून 2013

What is ARMD ?

Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)  is a disease that causes progressive degeneration of the macula.Macula is the central part of the retina that allows us to see fine details.Many people develop Macular Degeneration as part of body's ageing process.This  condition ,which is the commonest cause of blindness in the Western World after the age of 65 ,is now becoming common in our country too .In the past ,treatment for ARMD was limited ,but extensive research on the subject has made its management possible ,thereby helping the elderly retain their vision and improve their quality of life .

With improvements    in socio-economic conditions ,comes longevity and with longevity incidences of Age Related Macular Degeneration  increase.

Forms of Macular Degeneration 

The two most common types of Age Related Macular Degeneration are :

(1)Dry Macular Degeneration (Atrophic):  This form is the more common form of the disease and accounts for 90% of all ARMD.It is caused by ageing and thinning of the tissues of the macula .Vision loss is usually gradual and may take years .Low vision aids may help the patient in reading and near vision work .

(2)Wet Mcular Degeneration (Exudative ):This form is characterised by development of abnormal blood vessels beneath the retinal pigment epithelial layer .These vessels can bleed and eventually cause scarring ,leading to profound loss of central vision in weeks to months .Hence ,Wet ARMD needs to be treated as early as possible .

This form is characterised by choroidal Neovasculariztion (CNV),the development of abnormal blood vessels beneath the Retinal Pigment Epithelium(RPE) layer of the retina .These vessels can bleed and eventually cause macular scarring which can result in profound loss of central vision (disciform scar).

What are the Symptoms of Macular Degeneration ?

Early stages of Macular Degeneration may not cause decrease in vision .Sometimes only one eye loses vision while the other eye continues to see well for many years.The condition may be hardly noticeable in its early stages .But when both eyes are affected reading and close work can become difficult .You may experience one or more of the following symptoms .

(1)Straight lines look distorted ,especially at the centre of vision .

(2)Colors look dim .

(3) Words on a page look blurred.

(4)A dark or empty area appears in the centre of vision .

Progression of Macular Degeneration 

If there is macular degeneration in one eye ,then the fellow is at high risk of developing macular degeneration as well .The risk of the fellow eye developing macular degeneration is reported to be 38%-55%.

Treatment for ARMD 

Although accounting for 10% of all cases of ARMD ,Wet ARMD causes severe vision loss .Recent studies have proven that selected patients have much less chance of significant visual loss if they are treated by Laser photocoagulation (Hot Lasers )than if they are not treated .only 20% of the patients of Wet ARMD can be treated with Laser photocoagulation.

PDT is a type of cold laser which is used in patients on whom the neo vascular membrane is below the centre point of the eye (fovea i.e sub  foveal ).The aim of this treatment is to stablise the existing vision , but vision improvement occurs in less than 5% of the patients following the treatment.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a cold laser treatment that is still being used to treat patients with wet AMD, though much less frequently now that useful drugs are available.  It may be tried in combination with Lucentis or other anti-angiogenic drugs, as that may increase the effectiveness.   In PDT, a drug (Visudyne) that reacts to light is injected into the patient's arm. Once it moves up to the eye it pools in those damaged new blood vessels of the retina.
A laser with a low power (a cold laser) is used. When exposed to the laser, Viudyne seals off the leaking vessels. Since it does not stay in the healthy retinal cells, they do not react to the laser and are not damaged.
However, since the photoreactive material remains in the body for several days, patients must stay out of the sun and cover up carefully on their trip home from the ophthalmologist or they will get a severe sunburn. Otherwise, few side effects or complications have been reported and the treatment can be successful for selected patients.

Laser Photocoagulation for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Laser photocoagulation is a type of laser surgery that uses 

an intense beam of light to burn small areas of the 

retina and the abnormal blood vessels beneath themacula.

 (See a picture of the eye camera.) The burns form scar 

tissue that seals the blood vessels, keeping them from 

leaking under the macula. By sealing the leaky blood 

vessels, laser photocoagulation slows down:

  • The buildup of fluid under the retina that distorts the shape 

  • and position of the macula.

  • The growth of scar tissue and the abnormal membrane 

  • under the retina, both of which damage the cells in the 

  • macula.

  • Central vision loss.

Laser surgery may be done in a doctor's office or eye clinic 

using a local anesthetic that affects only the eye 

area. The surgery itself is painless. But your eye may hurt 

slightly after the surgery.

Anti -VEGF Treatment 

The latest development for treating Exudative ARMD are specific drugs which target a specific chemical that is critical for causing abnormal blood vessels to grow under the retina .This chemical is called Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF).Anti -VEGF drugs block the trouble causing VEGF ,reducing the growth of abnormal vessels and slowing their leakage.

What is ARMD ?

Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)  is a disease that causes progressive degeneration of the macula.Macula is the central part of the retina that allows us to see fine details.Many people develop Macular Degeneration as part of body's ageing process.This  condition ,which is the commonest cause of blindness in the Western World after the age of 65 ,is now becoming common in our country too .In the past ,treatment for ARMD was limited ,but extensive research on the subject has made its management possible ,thereby helping the elderly retain their vision and improve their quality of life .

With improvements    in socio-economic conditions ,comes longevity and with longevity incidences of Age Related Macular Degeneration  increase.

Forms of Macular Degeneration 

The two most common types of Age Related Macular Degeneration are :

(1)Dry Macular Degeneration (Atrophic):  This form is the more common form of the disease and accounts for 90% of all ARMD.It is caused by ageing and thinning of the tissues of the macula .Vision loss is usually gradual and may take years .Low vision aids may help the patient in reading and near vision work .

(2)Wet Mcular Degeneration (Exudative ):This form is characterised by development of abnormal blood vessels beneath the retinal pigment epithelial layer .These vessels can bleed and eventually cause scarring ,leading to profound loss of central vision in weeks to months .Hence ,Wet ARMD needs to be treated as early as possible .

This form is characterised by choroidal Neovasculariztion (CNV),the development of abnormal blood vessels beneath the Retinal Pigment Epithelium(RPE) layer of the retina .These vessels can bleed and eventually cause macular scarring which can result in profound loss of central vision (disciform scar).


What are the Symptoms of Macular Degeneration ?

What are the Symptoms of Macular Degeneration ?

Early stages of Macular Degeneration may not cause decrease in vision .Sometimes only one eye loses vision while the other eye continues to see well for many years.The condition may be hardly noticeable in its early stages .But when both eyes are affected reading and close work can become difficult .You may experience one or more of the following symptoms .

(1)Straight lines look distorted ,especially at the centre of vision .

(2)Colors look dim .

(3) Words on a page look blurred.

(4)A dark or empty area appears in the centre of vision .

Progression of Macular Degeneration 

If there is macular degeneration in one eye ,then the fellow is at high risk of developing macular degeneration as well .The risk of the fellow eye developing macular degeneration is reported to be 38%-55%.

  1. Images for Fundus Photography showing Dry AMD

     - Report images

कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं इनका सेकुलर खुदा इनसे खफा है ?

कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं इनका सेकुलर खुदा इनसे खफा है ?

आखिर ऐसा क्या होता है जब भी देश के सामने आपद काल आता है कोई 

बड़ी दुर्घटना घटती है तो सम्बंधित नेता देश से बाहर होते हैं .छतीसगढ़ नक्सल हमले के समय भारत सरकार के गृह मंत्री विदेश में थे .नक्सल घटना के बाद ज़नाब ने छुट्टी बढ़ा ली थी यह कहके मैं तो आँख दिखाने आया था .डॉ .से अपोइन्टमेंट नहीं मिली देर से मिली थी .पूछा जा सकता है भाई यहाँ किसे आँखें दिखाने आये थे .वहां भारत में क्या कम हैं जिन्हें आप गाहे बगाहे आँखें दिखाते रहतें हैं .

घर में माँ मरी पड़ी हो तो आदमी सारे दुःख दर्द भूल कर घर भागता है .लेकिन यहाँ कांग्रेसी राजकुमार अपना जन्म दिन उत्सव संपन्न करके ही घर लौटते हैं .राहत सामिग्री उनका इंतज़ार करती है १ ० अकबर रोड पर .

जब भी देश पर आपदा आती है संयोग या पूर्व नियोजित तरीके से ये लोग बाहर होते हैं .बड़े लोग हैं हो सकता है आने वाली आपदाओं को पहले से भांप लेते हों .बड़ी हस्तियाँ हैं यह देश की इन्हें सब कुछ पहले से पता रहता होगा .

और ये भी पूछा जाना चाहिए इनके जन्म दिन के आसपास ही देश में ऐसी दुर्घटनाएं क्यों होती हैं .गत्यात्मक ज्योतिष प्रकाश डाले तो डाले .

आखिर ऐसा इस कांग्रेसी प्रबंध के साथ ही क्यों होता है .छतीसगढ़ में नक्सली हमला होता है और उसमें से भी कुछ नाम चीन चुनिन्दा कांग्रेसी बच  के आ जाते हैं .क्या कांग्रेसी एक दूसरे के साथ भितर - घात करते हैं ?कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं ये सारी  इबारत खुद लिखते हों .खैर हम तो तटस्थ होकर ही यह सब लिख रहें हैं हो सकता है यह पार्टी का अंदरूनी मामला हो .हमें क्या लेना देना है .

हमें तो इस १ २ ५ साला कांग्रेस से हमदर्दी ही है .जिसने गांधी युग के आन्दोलन का सारा श्रेय लूट लिया था .क्रांतिकारियों का तो ले नहीं सकते थे .ये तो सारे गांधी की आड़ लेके  खड़े हो गए थे .सहयोगी बने थे गांधी के .ऐसा नहीं है ,आज़ादी का आन्दोलन इन्होनें शुरू किया था .

ये हर मौके का श्रेय लूटते हैं .

उत्तराखंड में ये इतना भी न कर सके आपदा में फंसे लोगों को और कुछ न सही लूटपाट से ही बचा लेते .लूटेरे उनके गहने ही नहीं वस्त्र भी उतार रहें हैं .इज्ज़त भी लूट रहें हैं .

ॐ शान्ति .


Cataract is the clouding of the lens of your eye that impairs vision .Cataract is responsible for more than half of blindness in the world ,which is a grim fact because it is a treatable condition.


Advancing age is a primary reason for cataract .With age ,protein of the lens turns opaque .In the initial stage ,the lens bends light rays irregularly which requires prescription glasses of higher number to correct it.

other causes of cataract are metabolic disorders ,excessive exposure to sunlight ,life style disorders like heavy alcohol consumption and smoking .Injury to the eye can also lead to clouding of the lens of the eye .

Metabolic disorders

Metabolism is the process your body uses to get or make 

energy from the food you eat. Food is made up of proteins, 
carbohydrates, and fats. Chemicals in your digestive system
 break the food parts down into sugars and acids, your 
body's fuel. Your body can use this fuel right away, or it can 
store the energy in your body tissues, such as your liver, 
muscles, and body fat.
A metabolic disorder occurs when abnormal chemical 
reactions in your body disrupt this process. When this 
happens, you might have too much of some substances or
 too little of other ones that you need to stay healthy.
You can develop a metabolic disorder when some organs, 
such as your liver or pancreas, become diseased or do not 
function normally. Diabetes is an example.


Cataract can make simple day to day living difficult .The symptoms are :

(1)The vision becomes cloudy ,blurry or foggy .

(2)Progressive nearsightedness in older people .

Nearsightedness, or myopia, as it is medically termed, is a 

vision condition in which close objects are seen clearly, but 

objects farther away appear blurred.

(3)Changes in the way you see colour because the lens acts as a filter .

(4 )Problems driving at night such as glare from oncoming headlights .

(5 )Double vision (like a suprimposed image).

(6 )Sudden changes in glasses prescription.

How Cataract Is Treated ?

When cataract is formed ,surgery is the only way to treat it .In cataract surgery ,the surgeon removes the clouded lens and puts an Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) in your eyes .Your vision will be as good as pre -cataract surgery ,though you may need to wear glasses .Over the years ,cataract surgery has moved from vision restoration to refractive surgery ,so that you may have reduced need of glasses.

  1. Images for pictures related to normal and cataract vision

        - Report images

Surgical Techniques

Micro  Incision Cataract Surgery

Over the years the size of corneal incision made during cataract surgery has considerably reduced leading  to improved visual outcome & quicker post procedure recovery for the patient .

(1)Requires a very small incision of about 2mm.  

(2)Cataract is emulsified into small pieces by Phaco and a foldable IOL is implanted.

  Phacoemulsification cataract surgery is a procedure in 

which an ultrasonic device is used to break up and then 

remove a cloudy lens, or cataract, from the eye to improve 

vision. The insertion of an intraocular lens (IOL) usually 

immediately follows phacoemulsification.

(3)Walk -in ,Walk -0ut procedure .

(4)Stitchless ,bloodless ,painless surgery .

(5)Heals very quickly.

Small Incision Ctaract Surgery (SICS)

(1)Requires a smaller incision of   about 2 mm.

(2)Cataract is removed manually and foldable intraocular 


(IOL) is implanted .

(3)No stitches .

(4)Heals fast.


(1)Requres an incision of 10 -12 mm.

(2)The cloudy eye lens is removed in one piece .

(3)A hard plastic lens is implanted .

(4 )Multiple stitches are required .

(5 )Final glass prescription could take 6-10 weeks.

Conventional surgery 

10 -12 mm .incision (Multiple Stitches)


3mm.incision (Stitchless).


The moment cataract begins to disrupt your lifestyle , get it 

removed .Do not wait for the cataract to mature , as it leads to more 

difficult surgery and impairs your vision.

What Is An Intra Ocular Lens ?

Intra ocular lenses or IOL are the artificial lenses that replace /substitute the natural lens ,which is removed during cataract surgery .Thick glasses after cataract surgery were a common thing in the days before the use of these IOLs .IOLs gave independence from thick glasses of the operated patients .

Recommended treatment For The Cataract 

The recommended treatment for the cataract is Phacoemulsification    

with implantation .Phacoemulsification has helped to reduce the standard 1 2 mm incision to a less than 2mm self -sealing incision with no sutures or bandages .The location of this incision can further be planned to reduce astigmatism and enhance your vision to minimize the dependence on glasses.


What Is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a common eye condition that's easily corrected by eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

Astigmatism is caused by an eye that is not completely round. This is one type of refractive error. Astigmatism occurs in nearly everybody to some degree. For vision problems due to astigmatism, glasses, contact lenses, and even vision correction procedures are all possible treatment options.

Astigmatism is caused by an eye that is not completely round. This is one type of refractive error. Astigmatism occurs in nearly everybody to some degree. For vision problems due to astigmatism, glasses, contact lenses, and even vision correction procedures are all possible treatment options.

What Causes Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a natural and commonly occurring cause of blurred or distorted vision. The exact cause in not known.

How Soon After The Phaco  Surgery 

,Will I Be Able To See?

In some cases ,the patient is able to see almost immediately 

following the surgery .Although ,most patients experience 

clear vision after one or two days.

Will I Need Glasses After Phaco Surgery ?

You may need to wear glasses .If unifocal IOL is used during 

surgery ,near vision glasses are generally required.

What is Unifocal IOL

Unifocal IOLs are designed to provide good distance vision.For near vision he/she has to wear glasses. These lenses can be used most for all patients.

What is Multifocal IOL

The latest multifocal IOLs are designed to provide good distance vision, intermediate and near vision. They reduce the patient’s dependence on glasses for routine activities. Unlike conventional IOL it has multiple zones of different focal lengths that bring everything from near to far into clear focus. These lenses can be used only for suitable patients.

Will Activities Have To Be Restricted After 

Phaco Surgery ?

Normal activities including walking ,reading 

,writing&watching television may be resumed 

soon after the surgery.However ,during the 

first week after the surgery it is better to avoid 

strenuous activities .Driving can be resumed 

depending upon the visual recovery of the 

patient.There are no diet restrictions at all .


Can A Cataract Grow Back ?

No .Blurred vision after months or years of cataract surgery results from clouding of the thin capsular bag membrane that helps keep the lens implant in place.To restore clear vision ,surgeons use a laser to open a visual path through the cloudy membrane .This can be easily removed by laser treatment as a simple outdoor procedure.

When To Plan Cataract Surgery Of The Other Eye  ?

Usually both eye surgeries are not done together .If the recovery of first eye is good ,the second eye can be operated even on the next day .It's as per the comfort of the patient and the doctor.


Cataract Surgery Pictures Videos

Cataract Surgery
Real time cataract surgery using state of the art techniques as of Jan 2009
Cataract surgery
Cataract surgery
Modern Cataract Surgery
This is an example of small-incision cataract 


om shanti  ॐ शांति