रविवार, 17 मई 2015

नमूदार (प्रकट )होंगे तो जूते पड़ेंगे

आनंद शर्मा अगर कांग्रेस की अब भी समालोचना नहीं कर सकते और मोदी की तारीफ़ नहीं कर सकते तो बेहतर है चुप रहें नमूदार (प्रकट )होंगे तो जूते पड़ेंगे। सन्दर्भ मोदी की विदेश यात्राओं का है मेक इन इंडिआ को एक ब्रांड बनाने का है। काम करने वाले को देखकर दुनिया खुश होती है स्वयं अमरीका हतप्रभ है ये जान लेने को आज उतावला है आखिर मोदी में ऐसा क्या जादू है जो दुनिया उनके पीछे आ रही है। उनसे सहयोग को उतावली है।

कांग्रेस सौतिया डाह से सुलग रही है। वज्र की तरह देश उस मौनसिंह  का बोझ ढोता रहा और सोनिया देश के  सीने पे चक्की  चलाती रही।एक कठपुतली नुमा को सरकार के नाम पर अपनी उंगलियों के नीचे नचाती रही। अब सोनिया का खेल खत्म हो चुका है। जीजाजी की पोल खुलने वाली है।  

क्या आनंद शर्मा उस कोयला मंत्री को विदेश भेजेंगे जो कोयला खा गया उस खेल मंत्री को भेजेंगे जो खेलों का साज़ो सामान हड़प गया। क्या बतायेंगे उस इंडियन डायस्पोरा को जो गत दस सालों से शर्मशार था भारत की वंशधरता को लेकर। अब उसने स्वाभिमान के साथ दुनिया में सिर उठाया है वह आतुर है मोदी को सलाम करने को जिन्होनें एक देश का खोया हुआ स्वाभिमान दोबारा से हासिल करवाया है ।

कांग्रेस मोदी के पीछे पीछे कौन सा चेहरा भेजना चाहती है विदेशों में उनकी खुफिया गिरी करने को जब बात आज की  चलेगी तो ज़िक्र कल का भी होगा। कांग्रेस के दशानन चेहरे का भी होगा जिसने दस सालों में दस बड़े घोटाले किये।

क्या कहना चाहते हैं आनंद शर्मा। बेहतर हो मीडिया के सामने हाथ जोड़ दें बजाय कांग्रेस की भद्द पिटवाने के।

जय श्रीकृष्णा 

शुक्रवार, 15 मई 2015

अमेठी फ़ूड पार्क

अमेठी फ़ूड पार्क

कांग्रेस उपाध्यक्ष राहुल के लिए अमेठी का फ़ूड पार्क उनके गले की हड्डी बन गया है। लोकसभा में राहुल ने इस मुद्दे को ज़ोरदार हंगामे के साथ उठाया। इससे पहले उन्होंने वर्तमान सरकार के लिए चोर शब्द का बेहूदा इस्तेमाल भी  किया।सत्कार की भाषा तो इस शहज़ादे को आती नहीं है। क्योंकि भाषा बोध संस्कारों से जुड़ा होता है  और संस्कार ये दुर्बुद्ध उस महान महीयसी  के लिए  है जो गत  पांच दशकों में भी न तो इस देश की भाषा  सीख सकी हैं  न हिन्दुस्तानी तहज़ीब।

अमेठी फ़ूड परियोजना मूलतया यूपीए शासन काल में २०१०  में उठायी गई थी ,किन्तु पांच साल तक यूपीए सरकार सोती रही। लेकिन चुनाव से पहले राहुल की ज़िद पर अमेठी फ़ूड पार्क की घोषणा करा दी गई। इस फ़ूड पार्क को विकसित करने वाली आदित्य बिरला कम्पनी की ओर से सोलह जनवरी दो हज़ार तेरह (16.01.2013)को सहयोग के लिए यूपीए सरकार को चिठ्ठी लिखी गई। किन्तु यूपीए सरकार ने इस ओर ध्यान नहीं दिया। कम्पनी से सरकार से सस्ती बिजली उपलब्ध कराने  की बात कही  थी। उन्होंने जगदीशपुर के गेलप्लांट से गैस देने की मांग भी की थी। आपको ये जानकार हैरानी होगी कि फ़ूड पार्क के लिए यूपीए सरकार के उस समय के पैट्रोलियम और प्राकृतिक गैस मंत्रालय ने घरेलू प्राकृतिक गैस उपलब्ध कराने में असमर्थता व्यक्त कर दी थी। ये तो उस समय की बात है जब यूपीए सरकार की सोनिया का रूतबा पूरी बुलंदियों पर था। यूपीए सरकार ने इस योजना के साथ ऐसा व्यवहार किया जैसा कोई पिता अपनी सौतेली औलाद के साथ भी नहीं करता होगा।

आखिर उस समय श्रीमती सोनिया क्या कर रहीं थीं। क्यों नहीं उस समय श्रीमती सोनिया ने अपने अगूंठे के नीचे चल रही यूपीए सरकार का गला दबाया ?उल्लेखनीय है कि अपने उत्कर्ष काल  में इस यूपीए सरकार ने जिस योजना को २०१० में मंजूरी दी थी उसके लिए वांछित ७२ एकड़ की ज़मीन  में कमसे  पचास एकड़ जमीन का अधिग्रहण किया जाना ज़रूरी था। अक्टूबर दो हज़ार तरह तक अमेठी फ़ूड पार्क की इस परियोजना को यूपीए सरकार आठ बार विस्तार दे चुकी थी। बिना बात के बात ही बात में केंद्रीय सरकार के लिखित निर्णय को फाड़ कर  फैंक देने का नाटक करने वाले श्रीमान राहुल चुप रहे। इसके लागू न करने का दोष मोदी सरकार पर लगा रहे हैं ,उन्हें ज़मीन अधिग्रहण करने से किसने रोका था ?फिर इस सब के हुए बिना श्रीमती सोनिया और राहुल को अक्टूबर २०१३ में इस फ़ूड पार्क का शिलान्यास करते समय  थोड़ी सी भी शर्म  नहीं आई ?

शिलान्यास करके मुद्दे को छोड़ देना कांग्रेसियों की पुरानी आदत है। ऐसा ही व्यवहार राजीव गांधी ने राम मंदिर मुद्दे पर किया था।उससे जुडी अन्य योजनाओं का क्या होगा जिनकी घोषणा श्रीमती सोनिया और राहुल ने गला फाड़ आवाज़ में की थी। अब अमेठी ऊंचाहार रेल खंड योजना का क्या होगा ?रायबरेली एम्स की सेटेलाइट शाखा का कब काम करेगी। उस सैनिक स्कूल का क्या होगा जिसके लिए पचास एकड़ भूमि देने का चुनावी नारा दिया गया था। उस समय केंद्रीय विद्यालय और अल्पसंख्यक विश्वविद्यालय खोलने की घोषणा भी की गई थी। यूपीए सरकार नेट्रिप  प्रॉजेक्ट (National Automotive Testing Research and Infrastructure Project,NATRIP )के लिए भी बढ़चढ़कर घोषणाएं   की थीं। लेकिन सभी योजनाओं के लिए न कोई साधन जुटाए गए और न ही वांछित ज़मीन का अधिग्रहण किया गया। कांग्रेस के लिए तो एक ही तरीका शेष बचा है कि श्रीमती सोनिया हो रही इस भद्द के लिए मनमोहन सरकार पर हमला बोल दें।अपनी इज़्ज़त बचाने के लिए राहुल को भी यही करना चाहिए। मनमोहन सरकार ने इस मामले में कुछ किया ही नहीं मैं क्या करता ? अब पूर्व प्रधान मंत्री मनमोहन सिंह यदि अपनी आत्मा की आवाज़ सुनेंगे तो यही कहेंगे कि मैं क्या कर सकता था। श्रीमती सोनिया ने कुछ करने ही नहीं दिया। अब दरअसल ये सारा फसाद   श्रीमती सोनिया ओर  राहुल के बीच का है,और पिस रही है अमेठी की गरीब जनता। अब अमेठी की जनता को आगे सावधान हो जाना चाहिए कि परिवार -सीमित -कांग्रेस फिर कोई और छल न कर दे। लोगों की ये टिप्पणी बिलकुल सही बैठती है कि  श्रीमान राहुल और सोनिया जिस फ़ूड पार्क को अपने गले का हार बनाने जा रहे थे वह उनके गले का फंदा बन गया है।  

Rahul Gandhi's own UPA govt junked 

Amethi food park project in 2013

NEW DELHI: While Congress and Rahul Gandhi are accusing the Modi government of resorting to "politics of vendetta" on mega food park in Amethi, the documents accessed by Times Now show that the Amethi project was shelved by the UPA government in January, 2013.

Amethi food park's corporate partner pulled out due to the UPA government's decision of not allowing it to access natural gas from GAIL plant, Times Now reported on Wednesday. 

Earlier in the day, the issue of mega food park in Rahul Gandhi's constituency Amethi again generated heat in the Lok Sabha.

There were verbal exchanges between members of Congress and treasury benches after leader of the Congress Mallikarjun Kharge referred to the food park scrapped by the Narendra Modi government.

Alleging that "politics of vendetta" was being resorted to either by cancelling or not proceeding ahead with projects cleared by the erstwhile UPA regime, he came out names of several such projects including a canal project in Rajasthan named after Indira Gandhi and 1000-bedded National Cancer Institute as part of expansion of AIIMS in Delhi.

"If this is not politics of vendetta, what is it," Kharge asked.

He then referred to the statement made by food processing minister Harsmirat Kaur on the reasons for cancellation of the Amethi food park.

Immediately Kaur repeatedly sought to have a say, contending that her name has been taken by the Congress leader and she should be given right to reply.

READ ALSO: On Amethi food park issue, Rahul accuses PM Modi of 'politics of revenge'

Amethi food park: Govt mounts counter attack on Rahul

Egged on by BJP members including Kirit Somaiya and ministers like Smriti Irani sitting by her side, Kaur pressed for having a say despite Speaker Sumitra Mahajan repeatedly telling her that she was not allowing her to speak.

Kaur's attempts angered Congress members who stormed into the well of the House forcing the Speaker to adjourn the House for 20 minutes.

The issue was first raised by Rahul in the House last week.

When the House re-assembled, the Speaker allowed Kaur to table her response drawing sharp reaction from the Congress members.

As the Speaker pacified the Congress members and took up the Negotiable Instruments Bill for consideration, some BJP members from Rajasthan raised slogans alleging that Congress was misleading the House on the Rajasthan canal project aimed at providing drinking water to some towns.

A visibly annoyed Speaker then adjourned the House till 2pm observing that the members did not appear to be in a mood for smooth conduct of the House.

Rahul Gandhi, Congress vice-president, had last week attacked the government over the issue and also accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of practising politics of revenge.

(With inputs from PTI)

गुरुवार, 14 मई 2015

हुश - हुश पार्टी

हुश - हुश पार्टी 

लोकसभा में कांग्रेस के हंगामे के कारण सदन की कार्रवाई को तीन बार स्थगित करना पड़ा। कांग्रेस पार्टी ने फ़ूड पार्क मुद्दे पर वाक् आउट किया था। इस हंगामे और वाकआउट के पीछे कांग्रेस की मंशा ये थी कि महत्वपूर्ण विधेयक पारित न हो सकें। जो कुछ कांग्रेस ने लोकसभा में किया वही कुछ राज्यसभा में भी किया। विभिन्न अखबारों में छपी रिपोर्ट के अनुसार कांग्रेस के आक्रमण की कमान खुद सोनिया और राहुल ने संभाल रखी थी। 

हंगामे के बीच सोनिया और राहुल कांग्रेसी सांसदों को इशारे करते देखे गए। कांग्रेसी सांसदों को इशारों से भड़काने  का जो कौशल सोनिया में है उतना कौशल अबोध से दिखने वाले राहुल में नहीं है। कांग्रेस के लिए दरअसल वह दुर्भाग्य का दिन  था जिस दिन कांग्रेस सरकार ने लोकसभा और राज्यसभा की कार्रवाई को सीधे दिखाने का फैसला लिया था। टीवी से सीधा प्रसारण अब कोई लिहाज़ तो नहीं करता वह तो यांत्रिक पद्धति है ,इलेक्ट्रॉनि तंत्र है। देखने सुनने और पढ़ने वाले तो श्रीमती सोनिया के इशारों समेत उनके चेहरे पे आई मानसिक खीझ को भी देख  सुन और पढ़ लेते हैं। शायद यही कारण है कि  अब लोग राहुलसोनिया कांग्रेस को हुश -हुश कांग्रेस  कहने लगें हैं। हमें तो यह जानसुनकर अच्छा नहीं लगता पर यदि कांग्रेस अपनी हरकतों से बाज़ नहीं आई तो ये बहुत सम्भव है कि राजनितिक फ़िज़ा में कांग्रेस पार्टी के लिए हुश -हुश पार्टी की संज्ञा प्रचलित हो जाए। क्या कांग्रेस पार्टी इस बात को नहीं समझती कि दर्शक उनकी अलोकतांत्रिक हरकतों से बेहद गुस्से में हैं। आखिर लोकतांत्रिक संवाद को ध्वस्त  कर सोनिया कांग्रेस इस राष्ट्र की जनता से किस जन्म का वैर निकाल रही है।  आखिर हुश -हुश पार्टी जो ठहरी। 

मंगलवार, 12 मई 2015

ये वही बालक है जो अपनी हार्दिक संवेदनाएं भी मोबाइल से टीप टीप कर लिखता

यूं भाषा का सम्बन्ध संस्कार से है। इस मंदबुद्धि बालक को संस्कार की भाषा तो आती नहीं हैं क्योंकि संस्कार तो उस महान महीयसी के लिए है ये बालक जो गत पचास सालों में भी भारत के लोकमन की भाषा हिंदी नहीं सीख सकी। इस बालक को लिहाज़ा क्या दोष दें। कहीं से इसने चोर शब्द सुन लिया और बस चोर चोर की रत लगाने लगा। 

इस बालक के गुरु खुद एक उम्र दराज़ मदारी हैं जिन्हें भोपाली के नाम से जाना गया है। इनके पुरखे १८५७ में अंग्रेज़ों की मुखबिरी करते थे अब ये सोनिया की कर रहे हैं। ये ही इस बालक को अपभाषा सीखा रहें  हैं।

ये वही बालक है जो अपनी हार्दिक संवेदनाएं भी मोबाइल से टीप टीप कर लिखता है। 

मालूम हो इस मंदबुद्धि बालक हो आग में हाथ डालने से हाथ जल जाता है।बेहतर हो भारत धर्मी समाज से कुछ सत्कार की भाषा भी सीख लें।अर्जुन का आर्जव भी। 

दुर्मुखों का संग छोड़ें। अपनी अम्मा से ये भी पूछें ये नेहरू की विरासत नेहरू गांधी की विरासत कैसे हो गई और कि गांधी से हमारा क्या सम्बन्ध रहा है ?  

'सूट-बूट की सरकार' पर राहुल गांधी का फिर वार, अब तो दिनदहाड़े आते हैं चोर

राहुल ने अपने भाषण के अंत में बहुत तीखा कटाक्ष करते हुए कहा, सुना था कि चोर सिर्फ रात को आते हैं, छुपकर आते हैं, खिड़की के अंदर से कूद कर आते हैं, लेकिन सबसे बड़े चोर दिन दहाड़े आते हैं, सबके सामने आते हैं, और सूट पहनकर आते हैं।

'सूट-बूट की सरकार' पर राहुल गांधी का फिर वार, अब तो दिनदहाड़े आते हैं चोर

Loksabha: Rahul Gandhi takes on Narendra Modi government over land bill

सोमवार, 11 मई 2015

What is a Collodion Baby?

अजब-गजब: अमृतसर में महिला ने दिया प्लास्टिक बेबी को जन्म

Collodion babyCollodion baby

 Collodion baby

Collodion Baby

All parents hope that their new born baby will be entirely normal. Words can not easily express the initial distress and shock of being told you have a collodion baby especially as parents receive little information about the condition in the first few days after birth. This article attempts to provide such information:
What is a collodion baby?
This is a medical term used by doctors to describe the appearance of a new born baby who appears to have an ”extra skin”. It is a descriptive term not a specific diagnosis or disorder. Parents often describe the appearance as;
  • being like an extra skin
  • having a sausage-like skin on the outside
  • a shiny film looking like I had just covered my child in Vaseline

Parents may notice that the eyelids and lips have a forced open appearance due to the tightness of the skin.

When will I know if I have a collodion baby?
This skin condition is rarely predicted during pregnancy.
Stage 1
The problem appears at the time of birth. The first thing that usually confronts the parents is either a doctor or midwife explaining that something is wrong and actually seeing the baby themselves with abnormal looking skin. Because the condition is so rare, it is not unusual for the medical personnel attending the birth to have little knowledge of the condition. Parents who have been through such an experience often say they were told ”their baby is abnormal but we are not sure what is wrong”. To know that something is wrong but to have no idea what is wrong can be very distressing in the early stages.
Stage 2
A collodion baby will have to be nursed in a humidified incubator in the first few days of life which can further increase the sense of isolation that parents may feel.
During this time it is likely that you will meet a number of other doctors, which can be somewhat bewildering. A children’s doctor (paediatrician) will arrive soon after the birth to look after your child and take over their care from the midwife or obstetrician (doctor involved in the pregnancy and delivery).
Stage 3
Depending on the level of expertise at your local hospital it is likely that you will see a dermatologist (skin specialist) within the first few days. Even dermatologists do not see this condition very frequently and they may choose to refer you on to a specialist paediatric dermatologist for assessment if they are not locally available.

What are the risks of being a collodion baby?
The baby can lose heat and fluid through the abnormal skin. This is easily avoided by applying a moisturiser to the skin. The condition is not thought to be painful or distressing to the child.
What happens to this extra skin?
The outer skin layer will shed off on its own within the first few days of life. Occasionally this process takes 1-2 weeks.
Then what is going to happen to my baby?
After the collodion skin is shed off the following possibilities can occur:
  • Normal skin
  • Abnormal scaling of the skin develops (called ichthyosis)
  • Lamellar ichthyosis (generalised)
  • Non-bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma
  • Limited lamellar ichthyosis
  • Other ichthyosiform syndromes (very rare)
It is frustrating that we can’t predict which of the above events will happen in the first few days of life. It is important that your doctor monitors the situation closely and deals with any problems if and when they arise.

What causes a collodion skin?
We do not know the exact cause but there appears to be an inherited or genetic abnormality in normal skin shedding.
Are there likely to be any internal problems with my baby?
No, in the vast majority of cases the problem is confined to the skin.

अमृतसर। आपको जानकर हैरत होगी कि पंजाब के अमृतसर जिले से लगभग 240 कलोमीटर दूर राजसंशी इलाके में एक महिला ने एक ऐसी बच्ची को जन्म दिया है जिसका पूरा शरीर प्लास्टिक का बना हुआ है। बच्ची के इस रूप को देखकर बच्चे के मां-बाप समेत डॉक्टर भी हैरान हैं। डॉक्टरों ने कहा कि बच्ची को एक विचित्र तरह का चर्म रोग है जिसका इलाज होना तुरंत होना जरूरी है।

बच्ची की प्रतिक्रियाएं भी काफी अलग हैं, जैसे ही इस बच्ची को कोई छूता है वो जोर-जोर से रोने लगती हैं तो वहीं दूसरी ओर इस बच्ची का मुंह हमेशा ही खुला रहता है जिसके कारण वो ना तो खा सकती है औऱ ना ही कुछ पी सकती है।

जहां स्थानीय लोग बच्ची को देखकर तरह-तरह की अंधविश्वासी बातें कर रहे हैं वहीं दूसरी ओर डॉक्टरों का कहना है कि बच्ची को कोलोडिओन रोग है जिस बच्चे को यह रोग होता है उसकी चमड़ी शरीर से प्रत्येक तीन-चार सप्ताह में अपने आप उतरती रहती है। इस दौरान शरीर की चमड़ी फट जाती है, जो कि काफी दर्दनाक होता है। बच्ची के घरवाले बच्ची के स्वास्थ्य को लेकर बहुत ज्यादा चिंतित हैं, तो वहीं डॉक्टर बेबी का इलाज कर रहे हैं। उसे ड्राप के जरिये पानी और दूध पिलाया जा रहा है। जन्म के समय उसे और उसकी मां को कोई तकलीफ नहीं थी, बावजूद इसके कोलोडिओन बेबी का जन्म हुआ है।

Collodion baby

Collodion baby

The collodion baby is a descriptive term for the infant who is born encased in a tight shiny membrane that resembles plastic wrap. The collodion baby is not a disease entity but is the first expression of some forms of ichthyosis.

The collodion membrane cracks and peels over the course of several weeks. The tightness of the membrane may cause the eyelids to turn out revealing the pink inner lid; a condition called ectropionEclabium, the turning out of the lips due to the tightness of the membrane, may accompany the ectropion, and may cause difficulties with nursing. When the membrane is completely shed the infant may display one of several ichthyosis skin types. Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (CIE) and lamellar ichthyosis are the most commonly seen forms of ichthyosis presenting with a collodion membrane. However, the membrane may also be present in Netherton syndrome and other very rare forms of ichthyosis, and is always present with harlequin ichthyosis. A small percentage of infants shed the membrane and never display any other skin involvement; a phenomenon called “self-healing collodion baby.”

Collodion babies are at high risk of some complications. The cracking and peeling of the membrane increases the risk of infection from microorganisms. These infants are also at risk for fluid loss, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, body temperature instability, and pneumonia. Collodion babies should be placed in a high humidity chamber, and monitored closely for complications. A high humidity environment will allow slow, gradual sloughing off of the membrane. The membrane will come off on its own and should not be peeled off.   Application of mild petroleum-based moisturizers may help the infant feel more comfortable while the membrane is peeling off.

A consult with a pediatric dermatologist will be necessary to determine which form of ichthyosis is present, if any. (Contact FIRST for a referral to a dermatologist familiar with ichthyosis.)

Collodion baby is the name given to a baby who is born encased in a skin that resembles a yellow, tight 

and shiny film or dried collodion (sausage skin). These babies are often premature.

The collodion membrane undergoes desquamation or peeling, which is usually complete by 2 to 3 weeks of life. This reveals the underlying skin disorder.


The collodion membrane is due to abnormal desquamation (a peeling process). It is due to mutation of certain genes and is usually an autosomal recessive, congenital ichthyosis (scaly skin condition). However 10% of collodion babies have normal underlying skin – a mild presentation known as ‘self-healing’ collodian baby.


As the collodion membrane dries up it can crack leading to fissures. This affects the barrier function of the skin.
  • Infection
  • Overheating or cooling
  • Dehydration
Another concern is that the membrane acts like a thick film causing physical constraints of underlying tissues. This can create problems with:

  • Suckling and nutrition
  • Breathing
  • Ectropion (lower eyelids turned outwards away from the eyeball)
  • Constriction bands resulting in reduced blood supply and swelling of the limbs.

The baby is usually transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
An incubator provides a humidified, neutral temperature environment. Other supportive treatments such as intravenous fluid and tube feeding are often necessary.
The aim is to keep the skin soft and attempt to reduce scaling. The collodion membrane should not be debrided (pulled off). Treatment may include:
  • Regular emollients such as petrolatum to keep the skin moist.
  • Pain relief such as paracetamol.
  • Mild topical steroids to reduce secondary inflammation.
  • Artificial tears if there is severe ectropion (outward turning eyelid).
Management requires the expertise of a dermatologist and the paediatric team. Other specialists that may need to be involved include
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Geneticist
  • Physiotherapist
The life expectancy and difficulties that the collodion baby faces depend upon the particular underlying condition.

Read more at: 

शुक्रवार, 8 मई 2015

कुमार विश्वास से बकवास तक की यात्रा

कुमार विश्वास से बकवास तक की यात्रा

'आप ' पार्टी के कुमार विश्वास आजकल चर्चा -कुचर्चा में हैं। चर्चा में रहना उन्हें बाखूबी आता है। मसलन स्वयं पर टमाटर अंडे फिंकवाना उनका मौलिक अभ्यास हो गया है। यहां तक के मुंह पे स्याही पुतवा लेना भी उनके शौक में शामिल है। दरअसल 'आप '  पार्टी के अराजक कहे जाने वाले लोगों ने ऐसी ऐसी हरकतें की हैं कि लोगों में उनकी विश्वसनीयता खत्म हो गई है। अब जनसामान्य की दृष्टि में कुमार विश्वास ,कुमार बकवास हो गए हैं। हम तो नहीं चाहते कि उनका ऐसा यश फैले पर किस्से इस तरह से फैलते हैं तो बहुत सारी पर्तें खुलतीं हैं।

जिस मुस्लिम महिला ने खुद को बदनाम किये जाने को कुमार विश्वास से जोड़ा है उसकी मांग मात्र इतनी है कि इस मामले में सार्वजनक खंडन करके उनकी टूटती पारिवारिक ज़िंदगी को बचा लें क्योंकि उनके शौहर ने बदनामी की वजह से उस महिला को घर से बाहर कर दिया है। उस महिला के दो बच्चे हैं जिन पर इस तरह की परेशानी में पड़ जाने वाली महिला ने यदि कुमार विश्वास से ये अपेक्षा की है कि वह ऐसी बातों का खंडन करें खासकर तब जब वह कुमार विश्वास के चुनाव के दौरान अमेठी में उनके पक्ष में वहीँ रहकर प्रचार कर चुकीं हैं।

अब इन सब बातों को देखते हुए कुमार विश्वास का मीडिया कर्मियों पर झल्लाना समझ से परे है। मीडियाकर्मी महिलाओं से यह कहना कि तुम्हारे घर में बहन बेटियां नहीं हैं ये तो विश्वास की भाषा नहीं है। शायद इसी वजह से लोगों ने उन्हें कुमार बक़वास कहना शुरू कर दिया है। पता नहीं माँ बाप ने उनका नाम विश्वास कुमार रखा होगा पर शीर्षासन करके वे कुमार विश्वास हो गए। पर विश्वास से बकवास तक की यात्रा लोक मन को भी दुःख देती है।

जब उस महिला के पति महिला आयोग में हाज़िर होकर अपनी बात कह चुके हैं तो उस कुमार विश्वास को क्या दिक्कत है कि वह उस महिला  से अपने कथित संबंधों को सार्वजनिक खंडन करे। सार्वजनक जीना जिस पर वैयक्तिक नैतिकता की खाल ओढ़ना ये लोक मन को स्वीकार नहीं। हमें इस बात का दुःख है कि स्वयं को कुमार बकवास कहे जाने के औचित्य को वे सिद्धांत का जामा पहना रहे हैं। लोकापवाद का निराकरण बहुत ज़रूरी है। 

She Calls Me 'Bhaiya', Says AAP's Kumar Vishwas, Blames BJP for Defamation
The Delhi Commission for Women has summoned prominent Aam Aadmi Party leader Kumar Vishwas and his wife on a complaint by a woman volunteer of his party, who wants him to make a public clarification that they were not in an "illicit relationship" whi...

कुमार विश्वास में कुमार पहले आना चाहिए या विश्वास वह तो व्याकरणाचार्य जाने

कुमार विश्वास में कुमार पहले आना चाहिए या विश्वास  वह तो व्याकरणाचार्य जाने,बहरसूरत विश्वास कुमार अदबदाकर विश्वास को आगे धकियाकर कुमार को पहले ले आये हैं। उनकी ही पार्टी की एक कार्यकर्त्री मोहतरमा सिर्फ इतना कह रहीं हैं कि उन्हें लेकर जो उसकी बदनामी हो रही है वह इसका खंडन करें उसकी अस्मिता को बचाने के लिए आगे  आएं। विश्वास दिलाएं उसके पति को कि आपके और उसके बीच में कुछ ऐसा वैसा नहीं है जो सामाजिक रूप से अस्वीकृत हो। जबकि ये मोहतरमा तलाक की जद में आने वालीं  हैं। विश्वास कुमार को इसलिए अब कुछ लोग बकवास कुमार कहने लगे हैं जो एक शमिता की अस्मिता को बचाने के लिए अब तैयार नहीं है। कहता है उसका पति आकर बात करे। 

बकवास कुमार को इतनी सी बात समझ में नहीं आ रही है कि इस मोहतरमा के पारिवारिक बिखराव का कारण उसका पति नहीं है कुमार बकवास है। 

Kumar Vishwas controversy: New video 

shows AAP volunteer being coached 

by ex-Congress worker

Aam Aadmi Party leader Vishwas had earlier brushed off the controversy triggered by the complaint of a 28-year-old woman from Uttar Pradesh's Amethi who accused the AAP leader of ignoring her request to clarify on the allegations of "illicit affair" between the two.
The video shows the man, identified as Jagat Awana, coaching the complainant on what to say to the newspersons gathered at the conference.
Speaking to Headlines Today, the AAP volunteer, however, claimed that no one is coaching her. "This ex-Congress worker is helping me but no one is coaching me. I came to Kumar Vishwas, he didn't help me. He threatened me instead. What is wrong if he (Ex-Congress worker) is helping me?" she asked.

The complainant from Amethi had earlier said that she only wants Vishwas to clarify that nothing happened between them. "I have only asked him to come forward and make everything clear publicly that nothing happened between us. Why can't he do that?" she said.
"I have complained against people who had posted my picture on social networks. I don't know if they are from the BJP or the AAP," she said.
"If you are truthful, why can't you come forward and give a clarification? What has media got to do with this?" she asked, adding, "I am neither a BJP nor a Congress agent."
Kumar Vishwas summoned by DCW
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Monday summoned Kumar Vishwas and his wife on the basis of a complaint filed by a party volunteer from Amethi alleging molestation during the last Lok Sabha elections, which he had contested against Rahul Gandhi.

"Kumar Vishwas has been summoned to state his stand on the allegations made by his party volunteer. We have asked him to appear before us tomorrow," said an official of the DCW. "The volunteer had worked for a year in Amethi for the party and now it is a matter of her respect, and so Kumar Vishwas should turn up and give his clarification," the official said.
In her complaint, the party volunteer claimed that false rumours of Vishwas having illicit relationship with her were ruining her reputation and that he should come forward to clarify. The woman claimed she had also written separate letters to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Police Commissioner BS Bassi apprising them of the same.
The woman has alleged that Vishwas took no action towards dispelling the rumours while Kejriwal did not take note of her complaint. "It is the same volunteer who has been coming to us for quite some time now. He (Vishwas) should come since the complainant is his own party's volunteer. Her marriage is falling apart because of him she has alleged," DCW Chairperson Barkha Singh said.

The Kumar Vishwas controversy took a dramatic turn on Monday evening after a new video of an ex-Congress worker coaching the girl on what to say at a press conference surfaced.

The Kumar Vishwas controversy took a dramatic turn on Monday evening after a new video of an ex-Congress worker coaching the girl on what to say at a press conference surfaced.
Aam Aadmi Party leader Vishwas had earlier brushed off the controversy triggered by the complaint of a 28-year-old woman from Uttar Pradesh's Amethi who accused the AAP leader of ignoring her request to clarify on the allegations of "illicit affair" between the two.
The video shows the man, identified as Jagat Awana, coaching the complainant on what to say to the newspersons gathered at the conference.
Speaking to Headlines Today, the AAP volunteer, however, claimed that no one is coaching her. "This ex-Congress worker is helping me but no one is coaching me. I came to Kumar Vishwas, he didn't help me. He threatened me instead. What is wrong if he (Ex-Congress worker) is helping me?" she asked.
The complainant from Amethi had earlier said that she only wants Vishwas to clarify that nothing happened between them. "I have only asked him to come forward and make everything clear publicly that nothing happened between us. Why can't he do that?" she said.

"I have complained against people who had posted my picture on social networks. I don't know if they are from the BJP or the AAP," she said.
"If you are truthful, why can't you come forward and give a clarification? What has media got to do with this?" she asked, adding, "I am neither a BJP nor a Congress agent."
Kumar Vishwas summoned by DCW
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Monday summoned Kumar Vishwas and his wife on the basis of a complaint filed by a party volunteer from Amethi alleging molestation during the last Lok Sabha elections, which he had contested against Rahul Gandhi.
"Kumar Vishwas has been summoned to state his stand on the allegations made by his party volunteer. We have asked him to appear before us tomorrow," said an official of the DCW. "The volunteer had worked for a year in Amethi for the party and now it is a matter of her respect, and so Kumar Vishwas should turn up and give his clarification," the official said.

In her complaint, the party volunteer claimed that false rumours of Vishwas having illicit relationship with her were ruining her reputation and that he should come forward to clarify. The woman claimed she had also written separate letters to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Police Commissioner BS Bassi apprising them of the same.
The woman has alleged that Vishwas took no action towards dispelling the rumours while Kejriwal did not take note of her complaint. "It is the same volunteer who has been coming to us for quite some time now. He (Vishwas) should come since the complainant is his own party's volunteer. Her marriage is falling apart because of him she has alleged," DCW Chairperson Barkha Singh said.

Delhi Women's Commission 

summons Kumar Vishwas over complaint by 

female AAP worker

AAP leader Kumar Vishwas has been summoned by the Delhi Women's Commission (DWC), on charges that he had an illicit relationship with a female member of AAP, who had been working under him.

"Have sent a summon to Kumar Vishwas, he will come tomorrow and should definitely come in front as she has been his worker. It’s about dignity of a woman,Kumar Vishwas should come in front to protect that", Chairperson of the DWC, Barkha Shukla Singh, told reporters.

Singh also said that she had written to Delhi CM and AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal in this regard.

A report by Zee News, quoting other unnamed 'reports', said that "the girl has accused Vishwas of not dismissing the rumours which link her with the poet-cum-politician. She further alleged that despite notifying the Delhi CM in this regard, Kejriwal did not pay attention to her complaint. Due to such rumours, the lady's husband has left her."

Meanwhile AAP's rivals have been quick to jump on the news, with BJP leader Ashwini Upadhyay even calling for police action because this "incident has ruined the girl's family life"
JP Aggarwal, of the Congress said that it was important for the AAP leader to clarify because it was a 'serious matter'.
Former AAP leader and current BJP member Shazia Ilmi said, "Whether it’s Kumar Vishwas or any other person,if a girl’s dignity has been violated to such an extent it must be probed". Sambit Patra of the BJP added that the incident "shows that AAP is absolutely insensitive towards women’s cause and concern"
Upon news of the summons, Kumar Vishwas has already begun trending on social media.

Media vs AAP war erupts on 

Twitter as controversy around Kumar 

Vishwas's 'illicit relation' heats up

After Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday alleged that there is a "conspiracy to finish off AAP" among a "very large" section of the media and as the fresh controversy surrounding AAP leader Kumar Vishwas on Monday gathered heat, a Twitter war began between AAP supporters and the party's critics.

Most of the people supporting AAP and Kumar Vishwas said that the opposition parties and the media were targeting the party.
AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Kumar Vishwas had also earlier on Tuesday asked the media not to attack family members of the party leaders.
"Some people are trying to plant news stories to defame the AAP," Vishwas said.
He was responding to an allegation made by a woman against him that he had ignored several appeals made by her to publicly deny reports spread about an 'illicit relationship' between her and Vishwas.
"Despite there being no proof of any illicit relationship, reports against Kumar Vishwas are being spread," Sanjay Singh said. "If there is a conspiracy to defame AAP, please don't take part in it...If we are wrong, take our 'agni pariksha'. But at least leave our family alone," Singh told the media.
"Baseless media reports are being blown out of proportion," Singh said, adding that the media had been making "baseless" allegations against AAP leaders like him, Kumar Vishwas and Ashish Khetan for a long time.
Here are some of the tweets supporting AAP and Kumar Vishwas and slamming the media for the controversy around Vishwas:

A Twitter over AAP and the media began after the controversy over Kumar Vishwas intensified. AFP
A Twitter over AAP and the media began after the controversy over Kumar Vishwas intensified. AFP

Bollywood displayed an amazing lack of sense, choosing instead to look more like mindless chickens

आपको बता दें इससे पहले गुरूवार को ही सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने मुंबई के एक वकील द्वारा दायर वह याचिका स्वीकार कर ली, जिसमें बॉलीवुड अभिनेता सलमान खान को मिली दो दिन की अंतरिम जमानत रद्द करने की मांग की गई है। याचिकाकर्ता अखिलेश चौबे की ओर से अधिवक्ता वी. मिश्रा ने गुरुवार को यह याचिका सर्वोच्च न्यायालय की मुख्य न्यायमूर्ति एच.एल. दत्तू की अध्यक्षता वाली पीठ को सौंपी। याचिकाकर्ता ने सलमान की जमानत रद्द करने के निर्देश देने की मांग की है।

Read more at: http://hindi.oneindia.com/news/india/will-bollywood-star-salman-khan-get-bail-or-face-jail-today-354582.html

Salman Bhai gets hypocritical support by a blinded Bollywood

Salman Khan might be soon serving a five-year jail sentence for killing a person. He did this by driving his SUV over the homeless person after a night of heavy drinking. For nearly 15 years the case has dragged on through the courts, though the cold comfort we have is that eventually justice has caught up with the superstar. 

The trial judge was severe in his observations, including - 

'Could have visited cops immediately if he did no wrong' : Mumbai court in judgement convicting Salman Khan in 2002 hit-and-run case

'Didn't visit hospital to meet injured, provide aid': Mumbai court in judgement convicting Salman Khan

Despite all the tough talk however, Salman Khan was granted bail nearly immediately. An amazing feat, since India holds tens of millions in jails across the country for years, sometimes decades, without ever being granted bail. 

For the 13 yrs Salman Khan's case was in trial, it was one of 18.5 million criminal cases pending in India http://buff.ly/1FRSY6J

But strangely, even that was not the ugliest moment of the day. What was ugly was the hypocritical outpouring of "love" for Salman bhai that seeped out from every pore of Bollywood and his numerous fans. 

Bollywood nearly went all out, with many superstars stating how hurt they were, as if Salman Khan has been found guilty of some petty vandalism, instead of the murder. 

And as if the tweets were no enough, they poured into his house all night long to show their support. 

The govt should be responsible for housing ppl.If no 1was sleeping on d road in any other country Salman wuld not have driven over anybody.

Sections of the media were not impressed. As a scathing article in Firstpost pointed out - 

"Either we're so starved of role models that we can’t bear to dislodge Khan from his pedestal or we've lost both our ethics and our capacity to reason. Educated, upwardly mobile and urbane people, who are meant to be more discerning because of greater life experience and better opportunities, are defending Khan with the naivete that would conventionally be associated with the illiterate. There are messages pouring in, expressing dismay at Khan being sentenced to five years' imprisonment because he's a good man. None of them appear to be concerned with where Khan's goodness had vanished when he pinned the blame on his driver who had nothing to do with the hit and run. It doesn’t appall any of them that Khan’s behavior led to the loss of life, presumably because a homeless man is worth much less than Bollywood's Rs 100-crore man." 

The : Bollywood plays victim, forgets the real victims? http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/the-buck-stops-here/the-salman-khan-verdict-bollywood-plays-victim-forgets-the-real-victims/366492 
The fact remains, Bollywood displayed an amazing lack of sense, choosing instead to look more like mindless chickens. 

Of course even amidst all this serious discussion, the silliness that is India cannot be far behind - 

Salman is guilty: His dead bodyguard and a Shakti Kapoor tweet

After almost 13 years of arguments, a court has sentenced Salman Khan to five years in jail.

Additional Sessions Judge DW Deshpande, of the Mumbai City Civil and Sessions Court, on Wednesday told Salman "you were driving the car" and drunk, holding him guilty of all eight charges filed against him in the 28 September, 2002 hit-and-run case. 
In the wee hours of that day, the Bollywood star's white Toyota Land Cruiser had run over five people sleeping on the street, killing 38-year-old Noor Ullah Khan and seriously injuring three of the remaining four. The comeuppance Justice Deshpande delivered on May 6, 2015, it must not be forgotten, was for this crime.
Justice Deshpande swatted aside the main plank of the defence argument - that it was actually the driver at the wheel (a 'fact' that only surfaced towards the end of the trial) when the accident happened.
Among those whose statements the court admitted before passing its judgment was the one by Salman Khan's police bodyguard, the late constable Ravindra Patil, who said he had repeatedly warned a drunk Salman to drive slowly, but to no avail.
Patil, who died a lonely death in 2007 after being sacked from the force a year before, kept insisting till the end that it was indeed the actor who was behind the wheel.
The News Minute revisits Patil's story post the judgment in the story of a bodyguard who died alone, saying it was Salman behind the wheel.
An early opinion on the verdict comes from Rucha Joshi in the FirstPost
Over the last 12 years, everything that Khan has done to defuse this case against him - from intimidating people, hobnobbing with powerful politicians and "losing" files - has been increasingly ugly and shameless. 
I think a lot of us fans just stand by him because to accept he's not worthy of our adoration also means admitting that we fell for his grand con. We believed the stories about his good heart. We got distracted by his pelvic thrusts and his shy smiles. 
Can you really say that you're a fan of a man who has run people over, tried to pervert the system with intimidation as well as perjury? I find that I can't - Ms Joshi writes.

Judge says @BeingSalmanKhan wasn't in killing footpath-dwellers. Justice delayed not denied